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The brothers looked at me, curious.

"Who's this?" Nathan asked, frowning

"This is Rebecca Sinclair", Angela began "She's your-"

"Sister" I breathed, looking up still in shock.

Nathan and Peter stared at me in shock themselves. 

I looked down, avoiding their gazes. I licked my lips, taking a step aside letting Nathan leave first. He stopped right in front of me, looking at me for a few seconds before walking away without a word.

Angela silently walked away, leaving me with the not so dead Petrelli.

I shuffled awkwardly on my feet as I avoided eye contact. I heard Peter clear his throat making me look up and gasp in surprise seeing him standing right in front of me, having no heard him moving

"Sorry" Peter apologized, taking a step backwards. "I just can't believe..."

"Trust me" I breathed a humorless chuckle "Neither can I"

Peter didn't laugh, instead he tilted his head at me, his eyes roaming around my face making my cheeks burn slightly and look away-

"You have dad's features" Peter said quietly. "I can see it"

I looked up in shock, "Wait, what?" Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "So you're not kinda gonna exclaim that this is bullshit or that I'm lying or I, uh-"

"No" Peter replied seriously "I mean, you don't happen to be the first member of my family to be hidden from me. I mean, I didn't know Claire was my niece either. I think that's the reason why I'm not surprised to learn I have a sister as well"

I grimaced, looking away "Half-sister, technically" I murmured. Peter's eyes widened slightly. I looked down, "My mom never told me who my dad was. Not until Sylar..." I stopped, sighing softly, shaking my head "Anyway, your dad helped her a lot when she was younger and she fell for him. I don't really know all the details but what I do know was that she felt ashamed about that"

"Oh" Peter murmured quietly.

"If it weren't by my mom telling me that, I wouldn't have believed your mom about what she told me" I added thoughtfully.

"No" Peter told me. "You don't need to explain yourself, Rebecca is it?" I nodded slowly, "I get it. I wouldn't believe it either but like I said... You really have the Petrelli gene on you. There are photos of my dad when he was young and you look like him...More feminine of course" We chuckled softly. "I'm not questioning you. I believe you"

I looked up, sighing softly "Good. Cause I'm the skeptical one here"

Peter smiled slightly, "I always wanted a little sister. How old are you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Seventeen"

"I was about five, then" Peter murmured to himself, nodding. "Makes sense. I don't remember seeing much of my father around that age so... your time line fits"

I snickered, shaking my head, looking away. "God..."

Peter nodded, scratching the back of his head "Yeah" He paused, looking up and staring at my head "You alright?" he asked suddenly. I looked at him in surprise. "Sylar attacked you, right? I remember you being there right before he killed me"

I flinched when he mentioned his death, "Yeah. Though I had met him by the name of Zane Taylor" I explained. "He was passing off like one of... Like a person with special abilities wanting to help them with Dr. Suresh"

Peter grimaced in realization "Oh, so that's how they found you"

I licked my lips, shaking my head "They found my mom" I corrected quietly, "My mom was the special one. Sylar came the next day and killed her. I escaped before he could kill me for being in the way"

"No, it's not that " Peter shook his head, lightly touching the edge of my band aid, knowingly "Sylar only kills this way when he meets someone with powers he likes. You're also special, aren't you?" I didn't answer, sighing. "I could figure it out. I wouldn't be surprised if I already can do what you can" he shrugged, tilting his head. "Let's figure that out, shall we?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, sighing "I don't know how to control it" I stopped Peter from doing something stupid. "I literally just found out less than 24 hours that I have some kind of power"

Peter smiled in victory, looking curious "What is it?" 

I bit my lip, stopping them from stretching to a grin, remembering the way I had stopped Sylar with it "Something strong enough to push Sylar against a wall" I said sheepishly. Peter grinned "It has to do with air, actually. Dr. Suresh called it I think Areokinesis"

"That's really impressive" Peter complimented, making me blush

I smiled slightly, relaxing finally on the presence of Peter, my brother


"I heard" Claire spoke, leaning against the doorframe of the living room. She had talked to Nathan and it seemed she was going to Paris. "So you're kind of my aunt or something?"

I grimaced, resting my chin on my interwined hands. "Yeah. It seems so. It's just as weird for me as it's for you too. Besides that we just met"

Claire nodded, straightening up and walking to me, falling down to the couch with a long sigh. "Guess we both got more family than what we expected huh?"

"And you both will have enough bonding time" Angela announced, walking to the room

I raised a brow, "Oh?"

Claire leaned forward, curiously

"You're coming to Paris with us, Rebecca" Angela informed me.

I chocked on my saliva, glancing at a shocked and somewhat relieved Claire "Excuse-what?"

"You're still a minor, Rebecca. And for what I heard, your mother isn't with us anymore" Angela said bluntly. I winced emotional hurt for the reminder "You technically are a Petrelli. Arthur's name is on your birth certificate. And like he's dead as well, I'm your step mother and your legal guardian"

I scoffed, "My birth certificate?"

"Yes" Angela confirmed, "Like I said before, I knew about you before you were even born. I confronted your father and mother about you and we agreed about keeping his name in there but of course, all of that was kept quiet"

"Of course it was" I grumbled under my breath "And of course you knew my mom"

"Don't think of me as a villain, Rebecca" Angela told me. "Believe it or not, I do consider you part of my family. I literally watched you grow up into the person you are right now, so I care about you" She smiled briefly, walking away. "Hence why you're coming to Paris with us"

Angela left the room.

I closed my eyes with a groan.

"Yeah. I get you" Claire told me sympathetically, patting my arm.

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