Chapter 11

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Scarlett’s P.O.V

It was now July, which meant I only had a month till I leave for college. I finally had everything ready for my dorm and classes; the only thing left was for me to pack my clothes. I was ready to be out of Scottsdale and get to know  new people. It is a bit terrifying going to college by your self not knowing anyone but I never had a problem making friends. 

I had not gone out to parties the past two weeks in fear that I would run in to Zayn. That was the last person I wanted to see after how he treated me. Thoughts of him still ran through my head, at work especially. Working around music and knowing that the person you like loves music just as much as you is awful.  There had been a few times I wanted to call him or shoot him a text but I just ignored it and kept busy.

Skye went to Florida for the rest of the summer so I don’t get much girl time anymore. Skye was really the only girl that I cared to have as a friend, I don’t get along with girls well, I find them very drama filled; especially in high school. 

I could have hung out with Niall but he liked going to parties and that seemed to be where Zayn hung out and I wasn’t going to risk it.  Since everyone else had plans I decided to just hang out with my younger siblings if I was bored, I took them to the movies and the mall. It wasn’t my ideal day but it kept them from bugging me and my parents off my ass about doing things with them.  I just had to keep reminding myself I only had a few weeks left of them and I will be free from jail.

Zayn’s P.O.V

I was disappointed to find that Scarlett had not shown up at the party last night again. It wasn’t like I had anything else to do, I did get a job but it was during the day and no weekends. Doing the same shit over and over gets tiring, I wakeup in the afternoon, eat, watch some television and go to a party, almost every day. I wanted to admit to myself that the only reason I continue to do this is for the slim chance that she might show up. In reality I would do it even if I never knew who Scarlett was.

Just like in all those shitty romantic movies, I felt complete when she was around and now the emptiness is back and I was as miserable as I had always been. I tried almost everything to subside the pain but nothing helped. The things I continued to do was just to pass the time which wasn’t that great considering there was a lot of liquor and whore’s involved.  It was not my ideal of fun but the guys I hung out with it  was what they did so I just followed along.

I needed to see Scar; I’m sure she doesn’t want to talk to me. I need to explain myself to her as much as I could. I was limited on what I could share but I was willing to take the risk to just have her around.

It was Fourth of July weekend which was a big holiday in America. Everyone I knew were going to a party out on the lake or on a boat. It didn’t sound appealing to me, I just wanted to be with Scarlett and that is what I am going to work on.

Walking over to Scarlett’s house I was nervous, I didn’t know if she would even talk to me. I had rehearsed what I was going to say over and over in my head. I knocked on the door a few times then rung the door bell.

Sticking my hands in my pockets, I waited for someone to answer the door.

“Can I help you?” The older version of Scarlett said after opening the door.

“Is Scarlett here?”

“Yes, she is upstairs.” The women crossed her arms.

“Well, can I see her?” I was getting annoyed.

“For what?”

“I just need to talk to her.”

“About what Zayn?”

“I don’t have time for this,” I pushed passed Scar’s mother and ran upstairs, “Scar!”

“Stop! You aren’t allowed up there!” I heard Scarlett’s mom yell.

Scarlett stepped out of her room, “Zayn? What are you doing here?” She was in sweat pants, a white V-neck shirt, with no makeup and her hair in a huge mop on her head.

“I need to talk to you Scar.” I walked over to her and followed her eyes to her mother.

“Get out of my house!”

“Mom, it is okay. Come in.” Scarlett said and walked back into her room and I followed. “What do you want Zayn? You made it clear you didn’t want to see me.”

“Look, I know I was an ass and I’m sorry. I have a great explanation for it,”

She rolled her eyes and sat on her bed, “Of course you do.”

“Just hear me out please? That is all I am asking.”  I stood in front of her.

“Fine, go ahead.”

“I’m not here, in America, for just summer vacation,” I began, “Actually, Joan and Bill are not even related to me.”

Scarlett’s P.O.V

“What are you talking about?” I was so confused. If they weren’t really his aunt and uncle then why was he staying with them?

“They are not my family. I’m living with them to keep myself safe. Back in England I ran with the wrong people. Something’s happened and now they are after me.”

“Wrong people? What the hell does that mean!?” I stood up and he backed up.

“It’s hard to explain Scar, I can’t have you telling everyone.” He Looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

I didn’t understand anything he was saying. What kind of people would track him like this? Would make him leave the country, “Who did you run with Zayn? Just tell me,” I calmed down a bit but still was scared and confused.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “Scar,” His voice was now in a whisper, “I was in the British Mafia.”

“What!?” I was yelling now and dumb founded, “The Mafia! Zayn who the hell are you!?”

“Please be quiet Scarlett. It was a stupid fucking idea had when I was a teenager I got caught up in the situation. I have to keep low here for awhile.” Zayn tried to explain.

“I don’t fucking care Zayn! It is the Mafia! They kill people! Not even a quick kill its torture and rape! What about your family in London! It isn’t fair for them!” I felt like I was talking gibberish, I was frantic. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to come out of my chest.

“My mum is fine. She is taken care of. Please stop thinking like that,” He was so calm about the situation.

“What if they find you!? What if they come after me!? Zayn! This isn’t fair!”

Zayn grabbed onto my shoulders firmly keeping me still, “Look at me.” He demanded.

I looked up at him slowly, staring into his brown eyes.

“I am going to protect you. I know it’s risky to get so close to someone but I will do anything and everything to keep you safe. I can’t be away from you Scarlett. You make me capable of living. No one has made me feel that way.”  His eyes were so full of truth and hope.

There was nothing I could say to him. I wanted him just as much, I always made joke about the girls who would do anything for a guy but now I know how they feel. I would do anything for Zayn, if it meant being with him I would risk my life. Zayn may be an asshole but I never thought that he would tell me this. He was full of secrets and I knew it would take a while to get them all out but I was willing to wait.

Zayn was still looking down at me and I was still looking into his eyes. I’m not sure what came over me but I got myself out of his grip, wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest, “Just keep me safe.” Was all I could say.

“Always,” He replied and held me tight as we stood in the middle of my room.

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