1st Task

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I awoke to an alarming sound buzzing in my ears and my cheeks wet with tears. I had forgotten about my long crying session I had last night. It was the 2nd nervous breakdown I had in years. The mysterious man I saw earlier appeared out of no where sitting on top of the table. He was like a wolf about to attack.

"As you all know, we have set a few tasks for you. Today you will encounter your first task!" The last words were spoken louder.

"Get dressed, and there are no bathrooms if you were wondering. Vampires don't have to pee."

"How is that possible?" a brown hair girl questioned. She had vibrant skin and a huge smile, unlike the others.

"We aren't alive." he hissed. His voice froze her and she kept quiet. It was peculiar that none of us had freaked out for being around a pack of blood-thirsty vampires.

"By the way, I am Mathious, your guider." The room went silent after he left. No one whispered, or even made a movement.

I hid behind my bunker and pulled on a black tank top and black leggings that they provided for us. My bracelet lay in the corner next to my bed post. It was the only thing I had to remind me of my family.  Even if they had tore my heart, I still loved them.

"Alright, let's get a move on it." he gave me a quick glare before he left. I figured we were supposed to follow him, so I was the first to exit the room.

I ran up aside him and asked him a question, "Why do y-"

"Rule number one: never walk beside your guider. You humans have a lot to learn." he picked up his pace and disappeared around the corner. Finding number 1: Vampires don't care.

He brought us to a dark room. I could see nothing at all. The lights were dimmed to the point where it was almost pitch black and it smelt like wet dog.

"You will be placed in a maze where you will try to escape. I will put you in teams of 3, but you mustn't interact with eachother."

After the teams were announced, we gathered in huddles and waited for Mathias to trap us in our doom room. There were a total of 18 people and 6 teams.

The people on my team were a skinny blonde who would probably end up dying in a few minutes and a broad shouldered British teen. Both of their names started with a c. Christella and Carmen.

"The first group up is Lily, Alex, and Sandra. You will all be placed in a beginning spot. From there, your goal is to be the first person to escape. Not to frighten you or anything, but 6 of you will be dead at the end of this." The word death overtook my thoughts. This wasn't a dream, this was real and I was witnessing it.

I heard screaming about every couple of seconds. I heard the cries of teenage kids as they witnessed their death. I thought about how I might be the one to be mesmerized by the sight of death.

Mathious approached me and began to say, "When your in there, don't think you know what your doing. Be aware of what might surprise you."

"Why are you telling me this?" I clutched my fingers into a fist.

"To get you prepared." he folded his arms into a tight fold.

"Last group take your spots!" I closed my eyes and drew a large breath of air in. Here goes nothing.  The door opened and the other two ran the same way.

Hoping to find the exit, I turned the opposite direction as them and headed my way. A high pitch scream, probably coming from the girl, tore at my ear drums. A cannon shot and I figured she had just witnessed death. It had only been a few minutes and only two of us remained.

The path in front of me looked clear, but when I took another step, I must have set off a trap. Fire sprung from the rusty walls. Once the fire ended, I saw red imprints. Everytime and imprint came up, it meant some type of trap!

"Release the wolves!" I heard a voice yell. I knew I was still close to the entrance, so I picked up my pace.

I came to a quick stop when a big boned, huffing wolf approached me. It growled revealing its sharp teeth. It clawed at the floor and made a loud screaching noise.

A few feet a way stood an imprint. I started running the opposite way as the wolf hoping he would trigger the trap, and sure enough he did. His body lay in flames.

The British boy and I collided into eachother both causing ourselves to stumble backwards. His hand landed right next to an imprint and it sliced his fingers. I felt so bad for him, but I had to get out of there. If he was strong, he could survive.

Everything was going fine until I fell face forward into the hard, cold floor. Another wolf stood before me, but this time he was buffer and tougher. His saliva slid from his mouth and splat on my face. He huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf.

I saw a silver imprint and slapped the wall with my hand hoping something would happen, but it only opened a container.

The wolf still let out his hot breath onto my face, so I grabbed his snout and quickly put my hand into the slot. To my luck, there was a knife, so I used it to slice him.

Before I could he pushed me down with his paw and swung my hand off. Just as he was about to attack me, I forced the knife into his stomach and the wolf fell on top of me. His body was warm and fuzzy.

After moments of struggle to push him off, I was able to stand back on my feet and search for the exit again.

A loud voice from the inner com half way scared me to death, "39 seconds remaining."  I ran through all the paths and finally stumbled upon the exit. Relief strolled through me as I opened the door to see the faces of my fellow humans.

"Congrats!" many people shouted. My heart filled with joy when I realized that I was alive and my life was no longer endangered at the moment.

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