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Light peaked through the blinds and woke everyone in the cold basement. I pulled the covers from my body and zombie walked to the window. The only thing I could see was a fake painting that blocked my view. They must not want us to know where we are. I closed my eyes and drew a breath of air in. I bet they had something planned for us again.

" Get out of bed now!" Mathious ordered. His deep voice frightened me, so I sprung to my bed and grabbed the clothes we were given. They were very ugly, but all they cared about was killing lives.

"Today you will learn how to..." he trailed off as he saw I was changing.

"Today you will learn how to forget about the ones you love. This challenge is preparing the ones who will survive everything and become vampires. In case you wanted to know, only 4 of you will survive this. The rest of you will end up dead like your fellow friends yesterday." he glared at me and then left the room.


Mathious brought us to an even colder room with one way windows. I wondered what was on the other side of those gray windows.

"Your parents." Mathious came up behind me. I craned my neck to look a him.

"I can read minds." he smirked.

"What am I thinking?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"Yep." I gave him a faint smile. He caught my eyes and I fell to my feet. His voice filled my head. They are jut mimics. He had said. What was that supposed to mean?

He held out his hand for me to stand back up, but I got up on my own. I didn't need him.

"Rule number 2: never underestimate a vampire. " he walked to the door of the room.

"listen up!" everyone huddled around him with fear in their eyes.

"Don't be fooled by what you see. Look closely and examine the ones you know." he pointed to a girl who was scrawny and weak looking. I was surprised she had survived.

"You're first." he led her to the room and she started to scream harshly. What was he doing to her?

The scream faded away and Mathious walked out of the room. No one dared to speak.


One by one people entered the room and screamed at the top of their lungs. Once again I was last.

"Aribella, you're up." his face had a serious look on it and so did everyone else. Inside the room was nothing. It was just me and Mathious. The lights went dark and then suddenly my mother appeared out of no where.

"Behind you,"she said. I turned my body to face the window. Outside, everyone looked perfect and happy until fire started to pour in and peoples faces turned to fear. I watched as they all burned to the floor. Get out of my head!  I screamed. The people started to fade and I fell to my knees. Mathious came up aside me and put his hand on my back.

"Its almost over. Only a few more stages." he assured me. Tears strolled down my tan face. I had to be brave, and I had to fight this. I got up on my feet and put my hands on the wall. My mother came up next to me and mimicked me. I turned my neck to see her perfect face. She was beautiful and had the kindest smile, but she was dead and now my house was a pack of depressed human beings. Father became abusive after she died and Anthony, my brother, disappeared out of sight. He left Janis and I to be beat and torn apart.

Father approached the other side of me and put his hand on my shoulder blade. He looked happy for once. His eyes were a bright blue and his skin was wrinkly of old age, but hen suddenly his eyes turned red and he tore at my shoulder blades. It felt so real I started to scream. Fight back. Mathious' voice said in my head. The only defense thing I could think of at the moment was kneeing him. He fell to the floor, but then stood back up. He dove at my body and pulled me to the ground. I didn't  want to fight my dad even if he wanted to abuse me. I thought long happy thoughts of happiness and my family. We all used to be so perfet until everything changed in a heart beat.

I looked my dad in the eyes and thought happy thoughts. Suddenly he stopped throwing me around and abusing me. His eyes turned blue and he gave me a hug.

"Aribella." his voice faded, or was it someone else's?

"Aribella, get up!" Mathious pulled me from the ground and my dad faded away.

" Why did you do that ?" I yelled.

" How did you do that?" he ignored my statement.

" My dad was finally happy and-" he pulled me into his arms and I felt safe for a minute. We stayed like that for multiple minutes as I cried all the pain out.

" How were you able to make him happy and not angry?" he questioned.

"I-I don't know?" I was frightened by him shaking my shoulders a little.

"Don't do it again! You promise?" he looked very serious and scared.


"You could get yourself killed." he pulled me into his arms again. He actually had a kind heart in him, but why was he being so protective of me?


After the whole thing was over, we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Mathious and all the other leaders just stood with their arms crossed and eyes scanning the area. I remembered how they only drink blood, and not food. One guy whispered into Mathious' ear and Mathious responded with a head shake and a death glare. I wonder what he had said.

Mathious walked over to me and sat right beside me.

"How are you holding in?" he asked.

"Fine." I looked at him with a confused look.

"Follow me." He grabbed my hand and led me out of the lunch room. I looked behind me and I saw a girl vampire give me a death glare.

We entered a room with plants every where. It was gorgeous.

" Where are we?" I asked.

"This room is where vampires find out what their ability is." He kept walking into the planted room. There were plants varying from red to violet. The room was bright and  comforting.

"I want to know how you were able to change your dads mood." there was cords hanging down from the wall and suddenly the plants nearby started to surround us.

"What's happening?" I questioned in concern.

"Shh." he said softly. He closed his eyes and held tight onto my hand. I felt relaxed and I lost my worries. The plants swayed back and forth; their leaves pushed a slight wind in my face. I took a whiff of the glorious room and forgot where I was.

"Aribella, are you ready to find out what your power would be if you were a vampire?" I nodded my head happily.

Kick of a rock- a Vampire NovelWhere stories live. Discover now