Part 2

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We walked down the avenue onto the boulevard hand in hand. we were warm from our drink and the breeze was starting to pick up as we walked at a slow pace. from the coffee shop, I liked the way he did that, how he held my hand. As we walked up the steps of my apartment, I looked back at him and gestured that I would be a moment. I pushed open the door just in time to Lafayette and Hercules making out again. Yuck.

"You guys are disgusting!" I declared. 

"Hey mon ami you will feel the zame one day." His thick French accent was smooth and almost silky.  Herc snickered.

"Ha," I said sarcasm bled in my speech. "Well don't just sit there being gross and enjoying it! I said. I brought someone from downtown and I was hoping he could stay with us until he can get a job. I could see laff doing the eyebrows to Hercules. "DONT even think about it!" I said. He smiled viciously as he walked toward the kitchen.

 "Well, where is he"? he said 

"He's outside but-" 

"Well don't let him stand out there he'll freeze to death"! 

"laff wait he's-"

"What!" He said impatiently.  I could feel myself losing my temper. 

"Because he's DEAF! His face suddenly dropped and I saw that I had surprised him. "He's also mute." He quickly brushed the surprise off his face and started speaking. 

"Ok. Well, mute or not he'll still freeze to death if we leave him out there!"

He smiled. I smiled right back. That meant it was alright with him and what was alright with Laff was obviously alright with Herc. I turned around only to see that it had been a few minutes. laff was right he would freeze if I didn't let him in. I trotted toward the door and opened it slowly. He was looking at some plants and was especially fascinated with the poppies. Herc never liked the poppies. He had bad childhood memories that the wicked witch of the west would kill him with them. We would tease him about that but never too harshly. Alex noticed that I was looking at him. He stood up embarrassed he was caught looking at flowers. I was surprised that the flowers had not died yet. It was the middle of fall. I laughed and beckoned him to come inside. He followed and we stopped in the hallway as I closed the door. Hercules stopped and smiled and walked over to us lafayette trotting at his heels. I gave him the pen and a napkin I had stolen from good old Georges shop. 

"Here," I said as he reached out to take the napkin.

Hercules took the pen first he started righting away. After he was finished he gave it to Alex. It said: HI I'm Hercules but you can call me Herc, the guy next to me is Lafayette he's mine. I Slapped my face in despair. Great way to make introductions, claiming property or in other words people. I could see him chuckling with his body motion. It was then that I realized that I didn't really have a place for him to sleep. Well, he can sleep in my bed I can have the couch. I started sniffing the air something wasn't smelling right. It smelled like something was burning. 

"Uh Herc do you smell something." 

"MY LASAGNA!" screamed Herc as he ran to the kitchen with laff by his side. Lafayette nearly dropped dead at the sight of his favorite meal that was once precious food now turned to ash. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he said as he dramatically fell to the floor.

I looked down to see that Alex looked a little confused. I still had the napkin that we had been writing on so I told him a little about what was going on. He seemed amused that someone could be so attached to there lasagna.

"Well I guess that we will have to go out to dinner then," I said hopefully. 

"We have chef Boyardee in the freezer," Herc said in amusement.

"NON I will not have such an outrage in my house. WHY do we still have that! I put a ban on it remember!" said laff giving Herc a face as if Chef Boyardee was the most disgusting thing on the planet.

"BUT It's Literally the same thing!"

"Have you not read the sign."

the first day that laff had tasted this "SIN" (Chef Boyardee) as he called it he had made a royal decree that anyone found with the presence of Chef Boyardee in the apartment would be "hear by punished". I had to admit even through his dramatic outrage that stuff was pretty nasty. 

"You guys go out ill stay here with Alex and well eat it." 

"Fine but I don't know how you could stand it." 

I started to write on the napkin again to tell Alex that we probably would be eating Chef Boyardee for dinner when I notest that he was on the brink of tears. I said goodbye to my friends and brought Alex to the couch. 

"Hey, hey," I said I saw tears streaming down his face. "Its ok," I said as his tears continued to fall. Without explanation, he started to pick up the pen and started to right. His hands shook as he tried to keep the paper steady. 

: I'm sorry I'm being stupid. 

: No no your not stupid its ok. 

: I just feel so -helpless. 

 He looked into my eyes and I knew. that had done it. I pulled him into a hug. I could feel he needed this. And somehow I think I needed this too. I stroked his hair as he cried into my shoulder. I don't know how long we were there like that and I wish it had never ended. I wanted to stay like that forever. To protect him to be with him at any cost. through the tears and the pain, I saw him mouth,

Thank you. 

heeeeeeeeeeey yall how are ya I hope you're doing swell chum. thanks for reading I appreciate it plz comment I want to know what you think. DO IT!!! I mean *hem *hem I mean it would be appreciated.  sorry for the Chef Boyardee stuff I apologize. I just wanted too. so any ideas for were you want this to go.... nope ok  see ya around mate 

ok byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee  -thedopesheepdog 

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