Part 3

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HEEEEY yawl I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while I ask for your forgiveness I have a musical I am in and tons of homework. And also I wrote this whole chapter and it somehow weirdly deleted itself. But anyhoo thanks again for reading byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  

Sunlight streamed through the curtains as soft pink light flooded the room. I stared at the dimly lit ceiling. Alex was still asleep on my shoulder as I thought about the night before. There was something he was not telling me I could sense it. I watched him breathing for about 5 minutes as I absentmindedly stroked his hair. His eyes fluttered slowly open. I couldn't help smiling. when he was aware of where he was he looked up and softly smiled at me. His eyes were a chocolate milk brown and his smile was vibrant. I helped him up and guided him to the kitchen. herc and laff surprisingly not here, probably drunk somewhere no dought. I took a moment to look in the fridge and then the cabinets. Just enough to make pancakes. Alex was looking around at all the things in the room. For some reason, his glance kept lingering to the toaster. I grabbed a notepad that I used last night was laying on top of the island. I grabbed a plate and passed him a half-burnt pancake. I took the notepad and began to scratch away with my pen. 

: Sorry if I burnt them. i said 

: It's fine.

: Can I ask you some questions? Its fine if you don't want to answer them.

: Ok.

: So where are you from.  The question seemed to bug him. His face went pale and his eyes darkened with fear. He slowly picked up the pen and began to write. 

: Nevis. He wrote. 

: In the Caribian? He nodded his head. 

: I'm an immigrant. I was sent here with donations from my town.

: Did any of your family come with you? As soon as I wrote it I regretted it. I could see him holding back tears. 

: My mother died when I was 12 and my brother James stayed on the island. and my father-Tears were swimming in his eyes as I tried to change the subject

: Do you want to get coffee?   He nodded his head softly as we walked

He nodded slowly. We walked out of the apartment and took a left. His eyes darted around to look at all of the many faces that crowded the busy streets of downtown Manhatten. The wind had picked up and a cold air stung my face. Alex shivered and it was then I realized that he didn't have a coat. I took mine off and handed it to him. He smiled and his face turned scarlet. And it wasn't because of the cold. We walked a distance and got some coffee at the shop and we were just going to start to go back when who do I see, Tomas Jefferson. Just don't make eye contact I repeated in my mind. Just don't make eye contact. Like I had said it out loud he smirked. Tomas Jefferson was a tall and lengthy. Dressed in fine clothes and had a regal presence about him. His little friend James Madison trailing behind him. Madison was a short man and in some cases cute if he were a rat.

"Well look who it is. Hey, freckles how's your deaf boyfriend!"

"Shut up Tomas!"  Tomas Jefferson was just a few doors down from us, also known as the biggest jerk on the planet.

"No seriously what a shame." 

"He's not my boyfriend!" The words surprisingly hurt. And for the first time, I was glad that Alex could not hear. After this thought accrued to my mind I eminently felt guilty about it.

"Poor you! what a drag to look out for. You're really being too kind." He announced in a mocking manner. At that moment Alex started to see the commotion.  A confused expression on his face.

"Come on," I said, taking Alex's hand. Not a second after I said this, he pinned me to the brick building that loomed over us.

"You better lose the freak by the end of the month or something bad might just start heading your way". His hand slowly ran in a slashing motion across my neck.

" I'm not scared of you. " I said. The feel of his hand on my neck made palms start to sweat and the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"Well see about that." He said. His voice was sharp and cold in the December air. With one quick movement, he stepped back and continued his walk along into the streets of Manhattan.
"Phft, jerk," I said to myself. He didn't scare me, did he? Alex looked confused scared And angry all at the same time. Obviously, he didn't know what was going on. I took his hand and started on the long way back to our apartment. Once we got home he grabbed a piece of paper and set it on the table asking me to tell him what that was all about. I explained in my own way I owed him money and he wanted it. So it was a little bit of a lie. I did owe him money though. His shoulders relaxed and he sat back in his chair. Soft flurries of snow were falling from outside. It was almost time to go to work. I told Alex that I worked part-time as a night guard at a mall. It didn't pay much such was a shame because it was difficult to pay the rent. Lafayette would be home in a few hours and that I would be home around eight. I said my goodbyes and gave him my number just in case there were any problems. I stepped out of the apartment and shivered. The late November air was cold on my bare neck. The sound of a motorcycle filled the air around me. The motorcycle stopped right in front of the curb as I walked in its direction.
"Can't you get something warm for us to drive in Peggy?"
" Hey do you want a ride or not? "
Peggy Skyler was the youngest of the Skyler sisters witty and full of spunk. She also worked as a guard and would get me a ride every so often. The shift I took was easy and as soon as it started I was back on the road home. I saw that there was one missed call When I was scanning the mall for intruders. When I got home Alex was watching tv looking bored.
"Hey," I said. He felt the movement of the door shutting and looked my way. I asked him why he called and He shrugged. He smiled. But for some reason, it looked strained.  I went to go sit next to him on the couch when I noticed he was watching an old western cowboy show. We watched it for a while until we were too sleepy to continue. His eyes slowly fluttered closed. His eyelashes were long and looked silky. Then I realized that they were wet. Had he been crying? And if so why? I pondered these questions in my mind until I softly fell asleep. An hour or two later I heard voices coming towards the front door.
"They do look sweet together." one said.
" oui. Zey do, don't they? They would make a cute love story. But ours iz my favorite. " I could feel their smiles from where I lay. I would forget what they said until years later.

Hello friends how are ya? Good, i hope. I'll make this short please like and comment on what should happen next. Thanks again readers yours forever-

The author.

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