Happy Halloween

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A one shot were you and the pines twins were younger

A cold windy falls in new jersey a special day for children to love Halloween,were you dress up and get free candy,and that's no different for (y/n) ,Stan and ford "oh man I can't wait for school to be over already"said Stan "yeah we need to get ready" said (y/n) "s-so a (y/n) w-w-what are you being for Halloween"said ford who is blushing to know the girl who he likes dress up as. "you just have to see"she said after that the bell rang and the three left to get ready.

* time skip *

As the pines twin got there costumes ready, ford was daydreaming about (y/n) being for Halloween this year maybe something cute or something girly or something weird he knows that she doesn't like scary stuff,as they were waiting for her the boys being thinking that she is not coming." Were is she,we going to miss the candy" said Stan and is starting to get annoyed"maybe she is still getting ready let keep waiting" said ford, keeps looking around for her," fine five more minutes but if she is not here were going alright?" Said Stan ,ford doesn't to do that but he can't fight the free candy spirit so he agreed.

Five minutes have passed and the boys left (y/n) behind, as Stan was a pirate and ford a mummy they get alot of candy, as they keep walking the bump into someone,"oh sorry" said ford they both look up and saw their bullies"well well well if it isn't the pines dorks ,were your little girlfriend of yours freak?" Said the bully to ford ,ford look down,as the bullies took fords candy bag "wow that's a lot of candy,you don't mind if I take it do you" as he and his friends laugh at ford ,"hey!leave my brother alone" said Stan ,as the bully grins and told his friends to take his candy too and take them with them.

As they all walk they saw the woods that had the story of a little girl went missing so many years ago,"if you want your candy back then go in the missing mist woods" said the bully were is (y/n) the boys wonder as the boys about to take a step inside the woods they all turn a loud ghostly voice.

"stop! this is bad you three bullies will be with me forever " as that said the saw a small girl with long hair (if you have short hair then make it a wig) and long white dress that looks old they couldn't see her face but it doesn't matter all the bullies screamed and ran off dropped of their candy and the pines twins candy as the hug each other telling her not eat them,they hear a giggle they opened their eyes to see (y/n) in a scary costume" hey guys" she said"you scared us and where were you?!" Said both of the pines twin "well I was getting ready for my zombie princess costume,as i was done I came looking for you guys and when I finally found you guys I saw the bullies and took your candy and telling you guys to go in the scary woods so it's best to scare them the telling them off " said (y/n) as the apologize for for leave you and at the end they got alot of candy and got stomach pain

*the end *

Hey guys happy Halloween please be safe while getting candy,and i hope you all will like this story sorry I haven't updated so long but I don't know when I will update so please stay put unit then


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