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Golden Child
Created by; Daeyeol

Daeyeol: I'm sick of our unhealthy relationship Jaeseok 😤😤😤

Daeyeol: we're over

Donghyun: you guys are so problematic

Bongpotter: says the most problematic member

Donghyun: I'm not problematic wdym???

Busanboy: I'm sorry but you always complain about everything

Donghyun: I most certainly do not 😤😤😤

Busanboy: we could argue all day about ur problematic ass but in the end of the day we all know I'm right

Artisthong: ^

Daeyeol: ^

Jaeseok: ^

Rabbit: ^

Bongpotter: ^

Maknae: ^

Tag: ^

Smol&violent: ^

Jangjun: tf my phone is vibrating so much that I might as well use it as a vibrator

Jaeseok: finally Daeyeol has realized I don't give fuck about him

Maknae: fuck?

Jaeseok: ThATs NoTHing

Jaeseok: I hope my uncleansed soul goes to hell for this awful sin

Rabbit: tf Jangjun u horny hoe

Jangjun: but y,,,,

Jangjun: I'm only horny for u ;))

Rabbit: tf are u wanking off to my photo on our album

Jangjun: maybe ;))

Rabbit: m00d rn

Tag: y'all r so dirty

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Tag: y'all r so dirty

Smol&violent: bitch u always ask for fucking nudes

Tag: no i don't !1!1!1!1!!!!

Tag: soooo,,,,, how bout sum n00ds ;)))

Smol&violent: this fucking proves my point

Tag: I meant **noodles

Artisthong: srsly Donghyun ur gonna be like this to me??

Donghyun: yes

Artisthong: afTEr EvERyThING I DiD FoR u

Donghyun: BiTch U DiD NoTHinG FoR mE

Artisthong: I saved ur ass from hearing Jaeseok call himself beautiful for hours

Jaeseok: excUSe Me

Artisthong: stfu irrelevant bitch ass

Jaeseok: HoW DAre U

Daeyeol: stfu u pedophile

Jaeseok: I thought u loved me ;(((

Daeyeol: u fucking bitch u always push me away

Rabbit: u better fucking stop

Jangjun: OH My God-

Rabbit: donT u StArt teLLinG Us AbOuT hOw GAy U ARe FoR BtS

Jangjun: :((

Busanboy: um hyungs what ever happens in a few seconds is Jaehyun's fault

Bongpotter: no it's Jibeom's for-

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