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Golden Child
Created by; Daeyeol

Jangjun: hey assholes who's free?
[Read by Daeyeol, Y, Jaeseok, Tag, Seungmin, Jaehyun, Jibeom, Donghyun, Joochan, Bomin 1 min ago]

Jangjun: I get y'all are ignoring me but y is ur receipts on

Tag: to annoy u

Jangjun: shut up I wasn't asking you

Tag: excuse me the last time I checked I was apart of this group

Jangjun: I'm sorry tag who? :)

Tag: don't be like the guy yesterday

Daeyeol: talking about yesterday u were so embarrassing

Tag: lmao no I wasn't wdym?

Daeyeol: at least Jaeseok made a friend

Jaeseok: guys me and Minhyun planned a week trip for us and wanna one

Tag: ugh I have to meet that asshole again

Jaeseok: now tag I don't want u to create another fucking argument or I'll mentally stab u

Tag: um is it just me or is Jaeseok hyung threatening me

Seungmin: lmao everyone e threatens u

Tag: it's okay I'll hang out with Seungmin and ignore the Jaehwan guy

Seungmin: lmao nah bitch I'm enjoying my holiday

Tag: we can enjoy it together

Seungmin: but the purpose of the holiday is to get rid of distractions

Donghyun: if its point is to get rid of distraction can we leave tag there???

Tag: eXcUse Me Is It My FaULt I'm Such a FuNNY pErSon?

Y: can y'all shut up or I'll physically hurt y'all

Jangjun: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) me likey likey

Y: Jangjun I'll fucking beat u up with my chancla

Y: we're going on a trip with wanna one???

Y: damn I've always wanted to meet this Jihoon guy

Jangjun: ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) me no likey likey

Seungmin: jang fucking Jun shut ur 4d ass up

Jangjun: heY ReSpECt hR ELdErs u HaiRY TwaT

Tag: I thought we established I was the 4d one

Jibeom: yeah well ur irrelevant

Tag: ur a dumb bitch

Jibeom: I'll have u know I'm the smartest kid in this chat

Jaehyun: Jibeom bby ur ramen is fucking burning

Joochan: that is disgusting

Jaehyun: ?

Joochan: don't ever

Y: shit Ima calm him down

Y has left the chatroom

Jangjun: ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ  Me No FuCkIng LiKEy LiKey

Jangjun has left the chatroom

Joochan: say that shit

Joochan: agaiN

Joochan: DO YA HEAR ME!!

Daeyeol has kicked Joochan out of the chatroom

Daeyeol: well then-

Jaehyun: is he ok?

Daeyeol: idk son

Jaeseok: y'all bitches get ready we're leaving soon

Next chapter is gon be long ass with wanna one joining

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