I'm so tired of once a guy gets with a girl he starts blocking out his friends who are females like dude we were there before her and if y'all split up we're gonna be the ones you turn to cause we are the only person you got to talk about true heartbreak and to hold you close when you don't know what else you can do we are gonna be around for awhile so don't drop us just cause you finally got a girl we care and it hurts losing y'all think about it when we get a boyfriend and block you out you'd be pretty hurt and all upset to don't lie and say you wouldn't be it hurts losing your friends no matter your gender so guys don't abandon your friends that are girls for some fling that might not last a year and girls stop dropping your guy friends for some boy you ain't for sure gonna stay think before you do it might save someone a heartbreak don't just drop a mofo they might be all you get that's good in this life