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      Two sunsets later and Frostpaw was sharing tongues with Mosspaw just outside the apprentice den. The air around her felt heavy and wet, and most certainly it would rain overnight.

  Dawnheart sat nearby, eating a vole and watching the six Pinekits play outside the nursery under Crowfur and Warmheart's supervision.

  "Sure are energetic," Mosspaw said upon spotting Dawnheart, who nodded slowly at the comment.

  "Dustkit and Slatekit are plenty excited to fight for the Clan." Mosspaw added.

  Dawnheart purred lightly now, "Brave kits they are. And Shalekit and Duskkit are eager to hunt."

  Frostpaw watched the tussling kittens. Dustkit was batting at Doekit, treating her like a mouse. "He's rather rough." Dawnheart murmured.

  Doekit squealed as Dustkit clipped her with his nail, and Featherkit bounded forward to the smaller kit while she hissed at his brother.

  "Dustkit!" Crowfur said, grabbing his son by the scruff and pulling him away from the others. "What have we talked about?"

  "I was only playing!" Dustkit said, trying to defend himself. But under Crowfur's disapproving glare, the kit dipped his head.

  "How many times have I seen that look." Mosspaw purred. Frostpaw's whiskers twitched in amusement- her friend was quite rambunctious before receiving such a stern mentor. She remembered watching Mosspaw attempt to climb the nursery as a kit, then getting stuck at the top. Riverpelt was the lightest cat in camp at the time, and had to climb to Mosskit's rescue.

  Dawnheart watched the scene unfold intently. The silver she-cats glowing, inquisitive eyes pulled Frostpaw away from her memory, and she followed her gaze. Her sights landed on Doekit and Featherkit, who'd moved towards the edge of the mass. Featherkit licked Doekit's knicked ear gently.

  "He'll make such a kind warrior." Mosspaw said, spotting Featherkit comfort his smaller denmate.

  Dawnheart purred to herself with happy, slit eyes.

  Frostpaw eyed Dawnheart curiously. Why had Mosspaw's comment stood out to the medicine cat? It almost seemed like she knew something no other Clancat did. Dawnheart always noticed the little things.

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