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      "Let all cats old enough to leave camp gather around for a Clan meeting!" Whitestar called from the top of Clanrock.

  Frostcloud and Mosspaw approached the meeting spot, acutely aware of the other Clancats slinking out of their dens and sun-spots. The green-eyed she-cat noticed Warmheart's kits, all cleaned and pristine, sitting at the edge of the assembling crowd. Slatekit and Dustkit had their chests stuck out, while Shalekit sank down slightly under the Clans gaze.

  It was leaf-fall now, and the weather was beginning to cool at night. Mosquitoes and bee's became less frequent in the mornings and evenings, as well as snakes. Not that Frostcloud minded. She always felt more cautious around Sun Stones now.

  After the cats had assembled, Whitestar began, "Mosspaw and Littlepaw, please step forward."

  Frostcloud turned to Mosspaw, "About time." She purred to her friend, who gently headbutt her shoulder.

  The apprentices stepped forward, glowing with anticipation when Whitestar began the warrior-naming ceremony. He watched Littlepaw first, who raised his silent head. "I, Whitestar, leader of PineClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Littlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

  "I do." Littlepaw promised solemnly.

  "Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warriors name. Littlepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Littlefern. StarClan honors your forethought and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PineClan."

  Buckheart took a seat next to Frostcloud, lowering his head to whisper what a nice name Littlefern has.

  Whitestar continued, "Mosspaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

  Mosspaw nodded, "I do."

  "Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warriors name. Mosspaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mosspool. StarClan honors your spirit and warmth, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PineClan."

  Mosspool swung her head around to catch Frostcloud's eye, and she shifted excitedly on her paws at her sight. She was a warrior!

  "Mosspool! Littlefern!" Frostcloud howled, chanting their names louder than her other Clanmates. Pride welled in her chest, and she hoped with all her might Ducktail, Rivernest, and Mothstar above were chanting from StarClan above as well.

  Frostcloud began to map out where Mosspool would put her nest in her the warriors den, but Whitestar spoke up again, "Shalekit, Slatekit, Dustkit, and Featherkit, please come forward."

  The kits all fumbled ahead while Mosspool and Littlefern hurried to Buckheart and Frostcloud. Frostcloud lovingly pressed her muzzle into Mosspool's flank, but didn't say anything as Whitestar went on to name Cricketlegs as Slatepaw's mentor, Leafear as Shalepaw's, and Riverpelt as Dustpaw's.
  Dawnheart stepped forward now. Whitestar blinked at her slowly before he went on, "Dawnheart has informed me she would like to take on an apprentice." He turned to Featherkit, whose wide eyes seemed to grow bigger than his head while Whitestar finished naming him as a 'paw to Dawnheart. The medicine cat stepped forward and pressed her nose into Featherpaw's.

  Then together, the Clan called the names of the new apprentices.





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