Chapter 1

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Latibule (n.)
A hiding place; a place of safety and comfort.

)A hiding place; a place of safety and comfort

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Chapter 1

Insanity. Sometimes it was caused by reality, which we try to hide and escape from but sadly we can't run from it. So it's more easy to stay dreaming while having a turmoil inside your mind.

Her. She chose to stay somewhere in-between chaos and having a dream. She doesn't care at all, she's used to it.

Maybe if life is easy, this wouldn't happen to her. Maybe.

She woke up from the sun hitting her pale skin, her eyes fluttered from it.
"Where am I?" Her eyes were adjusting from the light and the first thing she sees is a huge black and white photograph.

She looked at it with a confused look, trying to decipher what it is.

"Oh. A naked pregnant woman."
She tilted her head, hardly recognizing the picture at all as it was placed upside down.

"It's one of my favorite master piece."
She was startled to hear a man's voice. Albeit to that? She turned her head to where he is.

He's wearing a white long sleeve button down shirt. He still has this disheveled morning hair and he's wearing a black fitted jeans and a gray socks.

She smiled, "Where did you find me?"
She stand up only to lose her balance. Her knees are still wobbly, maybe because of last night's event.

He put his coffee mug down to the nearest table and walked closer to her so that he can help her stand up.

"I saw you in the streets last night, are you okay now?"
When she gain her composure, she raised her right hand and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yup! Thanks to you! I'm glad you found me again."
An adorable toothy smile appeared at her pale face.

"Oh? Where did you sleep this time? Did you sleep beside me?"
He nod at her and that's where she threw her arms to him.

"I knew it! That's why it was warmer than the last time."

Two people met by this unfortunate event.
It was 8 months ago when he first met her. He saw her passed out on the streets and it was new year's eve. The night was freezing and it was weird to see a lady who was wearing a thin white dress on this cold winter season.

After that day, he thought he would never see her again but they keep bumping to each other. She was always running and passing out.

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