Chapter 21

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Sweven (n.)
a vision seen in sleep; a dream.

)a vision seen in sleep; a dream

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Chapter 21

How would you survive if you lost the one who makes your life complete? How would you stand up again when everything feels crumbling apart. How would you live like the way you used to when there's a big hole in your heart?
A missing piece to give you a reason to live again.

How can a heart still beat when the other half of it has now gone? How can you see the bright colors of life when you already lose your rainbow? How can you move on when you still don't want to let go?

Losing Jennie for Lisa felt like that, she was her first love. First in everything and not having her here at her side made a big impact to Lisa's life. Jennie was her best friend, her sister and her lover.
And now that she was gone, how can Lisa move forward with her life?

It's been two hours since Chaerin bid goodbye to the both of them. Lisa has been quiet and doesn't even touch her dinner, while Jimin tried his very best to make them comfortable with each other, and act like nothing happened earlier, but that doesn't make sense because for sure Jimin heard everything she spout.

She's anxious.

Jimin reached for her hand but Lisa didn't even react to the sudden skin-ship.

"I'm sleepy, Jimin. You can use the other room. I'll go ahead."
Lisa break away to Jimin's touch as she stand up to go to her room but the younger one held her hand again, making Lisa turn her head to him, worry lines on his forehead is visible.

"It's okay."
Lisa assured him, patting him softly on his cheek as she tried to form a smile on her lips.

Jimin loosened his grasp as he watch Lisa walk away to the kitchen.

He stand up from his seat to put the plates on the sink then he also put back the untouched food in the fridge.

He washed the dishes before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

After finishing everything he needs to do, he plopped his self to the soft sofa in the living room. Mind is still a mess.

Jimin didn't mean to heard everything, he was only sitting at the sofa waiting for the two siblings to finished talking that time but then he suddenly heard screaming voices from the kitchen and panicked rose to him as he dashed his way to the kitchen but Lisa's words stop him from his tracks.

Everything was so unexpected. He too who heard everything, weakened.

He leaned at the wall to find support for his wobbling knees from what he just heard to the girl he love.

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