"Decide? Decide what?"

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Magnus looked at Dan, he was worried. "Dan it's not your fault. You didn't kill him, it was the vampire."

"But I could've helped."

"Do you know how to properly use your powers?"

Before Dan could even answer, Magnus did it himself.

"I didn't think so. But don't worry I'll teach you. Like really teach you. We've been way too lazy with this."

"That doesn't help Phil now."

Raphael rolled his eyes.

"Can you two stop your small talk for a little bit? I made a decision."

"Who are you to make decisions about Phil's life."

"Shut up and let me talk or I'll just leave Phil here and you can decide what you want to do with his dead body."

"I'm sorry."

"Okay. I'm going to take Phil back to the Hotel Dumort and-"

Dan interrupted him.

"How are you going to carry him there. People will notice when a man carries a dead guy through the streets of New York."

Raphael breathed in, Magnus silently face palmed himself and Simon tried really hard not to laugh. Magnus was the first one to answer Dan.

"Vampires are very fast creatures, believe me, no one will notice."

"AND... I was not done talking. I will bring Phil back to the Hotel Dumort and you and Magnus will come there too, then you can decide what we'll do next."

"Decide? Decide what?"

Raphael didn't answer Dan, instead he picked up Phil, who was even paler than usual, and left. Simon followed him.

"Magnus? What does Raphael want me to decide."

"I'm guessing if you want to turn Phil into a vampire."

"Well if that saves his life, then of course I want that."

"Dan, vampire lives are very different from Warlock lives. You already hate being a Warlock but really the only disadvantage for you is that you're immortal. For vampires that is only one of the downsides. They can't go outside in the daylight, they have to drink blood, they can't eat garlic, they-"

"Okay stop, I get it.Let's go, it's a long way and I don't want to be late."

"We've been there before, which means that we can portal there."

"Portal? That's a real thing?"

"No, I just made it up. You know, I still pay for plane tickets."

"Okay, I got it."

"I'll teach you, when all this drama is over. The most important thing is that you have to know where you're going to, because if not, you'll be lost forever."

Dan nodded. "Right, obviously." Magnus just chuckled and got to work making his portal.

I'm supposed to be able to do that?

"Are you ready Dan?"

"What do I have to do?"

"We'll go through this portal and you have to think about the Hotel Dumort. Picture it in your mind and just walk into the portal."

"And it can't hurt me?"

"Not if you think about the Hotel Dumort." Dan did not look convinced.

"Come on, I'll be by your side the whole time."

Magnus took Dan's hand, Dan took a deep breath and they started walking in the portal.

Not even a second later, Dan and Magnus stood in the Hotel Dumort and Dan felt terrible.

"You didn't tell me that traveling through a portal would make me feel like my insides all want to leave my body."

"You'll get used to it."

"Aha. I hope you meant, that I'll get used to it soon, very soon."

"Come on, let's go look for the others."

Dan followed Magnus and it didn't take them long until they found Raphael, Simon and what was left of Phil. Phil was lying on a, what looked like, a hybrid of a table and an altar. Raphael, Simon and a red/orange-haired girl were standing around him. 

Don't walk into the light, it's too dark for you there (Phan x Shadowhunters)Where stories live. Discover now