Someone Knows You Like Him

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Since you were practically related to Mark, you were best friends with Amy and Tyler. You told them everything. One night, you were Skyping them and Ethan was brought up. Tyler noticed that you were blushing every time they mentioned him, so they began to tease you. "Oooh, someone has a crush!" Amy was pretty much bouncing up and down in her seat. "I don't know what you're talking about." You looked down at your hands. "I think you do." Tyler smirked, then laughed. "Whatever, it doesn't even matter, right?" "No, it totally matters." "I swear, if anyone finds out about this, you're both death, got it?"

Everybody was at Mark's house for the night, you guys decided to have a big sleepover. Every time you talked to Ethan, Amy and Tyler constantly gave you the look. Mark acted kind of strange, like he knew something that I didn't, but I didn't say anything about it.

It was pretty late by now, so we started getting comfortable and setting up to watch movies. As Mark looked at the endless collection of movies on the shelf, he called, "Hey Ethan?" "Yeah?" "We should watch a scary movie so you have an excuse to cuddle with Y/N." Ethan shifted on his feet, looking down as he said, "Shut up." 

Once everything was set up and all we had to do is press play on the remote, we found spots to settle into. Amy, Mark, and Tyler made sure that the only spot left for Ethan was next to me. I knew for sure by now that Mark knew that I liked Ethan, but that's okay because judging by the previous conversations between the blue and red haired boys, Ethan liked me back.

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