Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone

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There is a scar on your forehead,
black hair that is really disheveled.
You destroyed Dark Lord
and you saved our world.

With muggles Dursleys you have to live,
your life isn't an easy chill.
But then Hagrid finds you,
to Diagon Alley travels with you.

By Ollivander you get your own wand,
Hogwarts express takes you to school and
you meet Ron - you become best friends forever,
you also see Hermione - the smartest witch ever.

Your new house is Gryffindor,
lion at your robe yells 'roar.'
Nearly Headless Nick is the house ghost,
he was killed and lost his head - but only almost.

Quirrel, Flitwick, Hagrid, Dumbledore,
the first week you have to open each door
to find right way to classes.
Your life isn't easier with Filch and Peeves.

McGonagall who is the head of your house,
transforms herself into cat but never ate the mouse.
Snape hates you with all his person,
you would like to give him a poison.

You find out everything about the Philosopher's stone,
so the Golden trio - you, Hermione and Ron
have to protect the stone that Snape wants
for Voldemort that kills unicorns.

You get over many obstacles,
Fluffy, strange plant and Flitwick's birds.
Ron sacrifies himself in a chess,
Hermione send you throught the flames.

Now you find out that Snape is innocent
and Quirrel is villain magnificent.
There's Voldemort on the bottom of his head,
you get the stone by the Mirror of Erised.

You defeat Voldemort for the second time
and even Gryffindor doesn't win the quidditch game,
you get extra points and win the house cup.
Everybody's singing, smiling, hands up!

Then you come back for the holidays,
with Dursleys it won't be easy days.
But remember something. You aren't allone.
The Hogwarts will always be your home.

Čauko kakauko :D Tákže, túto básničku (ak sa to tak dá nazvať) som napísala, lebo čitateľský denník na AJ. Dúfam, že sa Vám páčila, tie rýmy sú trochu (hah vážne trochu? 😂) neohrabané a keby ste našli dajakú gramatyckú chibu XD dajte vedieť (najlepšie do 20.11. 😂). Toť vsjó. By the way, pred 2 dňami (3.11.) mal Sirius narodkyyy, so Happy Birthday the black dog <3 ^-^

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