what's expected: friend bails you out of jail
reality: friend sitting next to you saying, "man, we got caught!"
expected: you fall, friend asks if your ok
reality: you fall. friend's the one who pushed you. laughing her butt off cause you fell.
expected: invite friend to party, they bring awesome present.
reality: friend comes to party, barges in and asks where the cake is.
expected: you die, friend cries for days.
reality: friend is the one who killed you and is at Disney World, celebrating the victorious kill.
expected: you get bullied, friend stands up for you.
reality: friend is either making out with a football player or is the bully.
expected: friend pushes you on the swing.
reality: friend pushes you off the swing.
expected: friend and you work fairly together on a project.
reality: you and friend goof off and you have to finish the project all by yourself the day before it's due.
expected: you get drunk, friend drives you home.
reality: both of you are drunk and you end up walking home in the middle of a hurricane.
expected: both of you go to a concert and both of you get to talk to a band member and kiss them.
reality: you both go to a concert and friend makes out with all of them while you have to watch.
expected: you fail a test, you friend helps you bring your grade back up.
reality: you fail a test, friend is the reason why.
expected: you break your foot, friend helps you around.
reality: you break your foot, friend trips you.
expected: someine trips and friend helps you up
reality: friend high fives the person. who tripped you
Jokes And Rants From Middle Schoolers
HumorHumorous jokes from our minds and things that bug us.