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Ellie pov

I can tell Percy didn't want to leave. But we had to.

If it wasn't enough about our instance with the gods. But to be labeled terrorists. That is too far.

My mother gave me a cabin so we are going there.

We have around 1000 dollars. My mom will give us more once we get to the cabin.

I didn't tell Percy where the cabin is. It will be a total supprise.

I pay for a train ticket and walk back over to him. I hand him my ticket and he says,"So we are taking the train to Prince Rupert, Canada."

I nod my head.

"But how are we going to get there without passports? And why is there only one?" He asks.

The seaweed brain. I just shake my head and pull him along.

I shove Annabeth's invisibility cap on his head and have him walk next to me.

I go to the train and give the person my ticket.

We get on and sit down.

I close the compartment and pull the cap off his head.

I give him a book in ancient greek. I sit down and go to sleep.

I wake up with Percy shaking me. I hit him on the head as I get up.

"Ow. We are here." He says.

I put the cap on his head again and we get off.

I walk through the streets with him on my heals.

I walk to the docks and by a ticket. I get on the boat.

Percy comes and sits on the floor right in front of me.

We ride the boat until we get to Alaska. We walk into the forest where Percy takes the cap off.

We walk through the trees and over a streem. We walk a little more until we get to the cabin. We go in and make ourselves at home.

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