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Loki pov

We found him... it has been three days and we found him.

We are on our way there now. All of us. When someone messes with one of us they get all of us.

Turns out he is located in a abandoned building on the other side of town.

We run into the building. We see rows and rows of cells. We start looking in some of them but most of them are empty.

We walk into a main section to see if we can find a map to get around the place. On the floor below up is a symbol. I don't know what it is but Rogers does. Rogers gasps.

"Hy... Hydra." Rogers says.

"This must be one of their old bases. I wonder if I can hack into their systems?" Tony says as he sits down at a computer.

He turns it on and randomly starts typing. He pulls up diagnostic reports and maps. We each select a sector and get to work.

I run down sector 5 and look in every cell. I just about give up when I see a light coming from down the hall. I run to it and slip in the opening. Inside is a control room that overlooks a glass window. I go over to the controls and push the button that says overlook on.

When the light turns on I scramble to the door that connects the two rooms.

I pick up the sleeping figure and he stirs.

I walk down the hallway I came from. I meet up with everyone except Ellie.

I can tell we all are wondering where is she?

Ellie's pov

I walk into a control room that has a window that overlooks a room. I go over to the controls and push the button that says overlook on.

The lights don't turn on. I guess that there is no power on this side of the building.

I take my flashlight and open the door. I walk carefully down the ramp and shine the flashlight around. I shine it over to the left corner. I gasp when I see what is over there.

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