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Ellie pov

Stark was standing in the room waiting for an answer. He was taping his foot rather loudly. "Sir. There were three imposters on that level. That was the only way to get rid of them." Jarvis says.

"Leo, Hazel, and Percy were the imposters. We still have yet to find the real Percy." I say looking down.

"It's okay Ellie, We will find him." Steve says rubbing my shoulder. I bite my lip.

"I know but it is my falt. I should have known that they weren't Hazel and Leo. They didn't act like the real them at all." I says.

Loki and Steve pull me into a hug and I cry on Steve's shoulder. I sit back up to see Tony gone.

"Where'd Stark go?" I ask still sniffing a bit.

The others smile at me and were about to answer when Tony comes running into the room. "Get yourselves ready. I found him."

"Then let's go!" I yell.

We all get ready and head out. We run until we get to a building a bit out of town. As we walk towards it we look around.

"Are you sure this is it Stark?" Clint asks. I don't blame him for asking. It looks like it is going to fall down very soon. There are pieces of roof missing from the top and the whole place is covered in rust. On the door is a word in Greek. It means twin.

"I am 90% positive." Tony says.

"He better be here or I will kill you." I say.

"Protective much?" Tony says smirking.

My anger flared. "Yes I might be Stark! Everyone that I have ever cared about has been taken away or killed. Percy was all I had left before we met you guys and I can't bare to lose him. We have been through to much to not have each other anymore." I say the last part quietly.

Everyone glares at Tony and then they all turn to me with sad gaises.

"We should get going." I say. Everyone else nods their heads, well everyone except Tony. He just scoffed.

"Who put you in charge?" Tony asks.

"You know what Tony?! If you want to have this conversation now you can go back home. Because I'm not dealing with it. Everyone is pretty much done with your attitude. Because if we let you stay and you get us caught. It's your falt. So you can chose wether to stay and be a nuance and get us caught or you could chose to go back home and wait for us there. Now what one will you chose?" I asks.

"Fine you obviously don't want me here so I'm leaving." Tony says taking off into the sky.

I turn around to the others and we, minis Stark, walk inside the building. We walk through a hallway that branches out into two doors. One says Cells and the other says Laboratory.

We look at each other and I go through the Lab door while the others go to the cells.

I look around and see a computer. I walk up to it and pull a flash drive out of my pocket. I insert it into the computer and click on the button that says Download all.

I sit and wait. The door creaks open and I jump up. I relax when I see it is only Steve. He nods at me and I look at the computer. The files are a downloaded and I take the drive out and put it in my pocket.

I follow Steve out of the room and I see Percy. He looks up at me and says, "Ellie? Is that really you?"

I smile and nod we all walk down the hallway and towards the exit. But we stop short when we see what's in front of us.

An army lead by Frank.

The Avengers, the Silent girl, and Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now