The Doppelgänger Effect

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Ashton made his way towards his home, it was early, around four in the morning. He made his way down the alley, nervously shifting. He frowned as he saw a shady figure in the alleyway as well as himself. He told himself it was just another male like himself, heading home at a late time. But he didn't think that when he was spoken to.

"hey." The boy spoke, all Ashton could make out were the piercing blue eyes.

"H-hi." Ashton whispered and tried to get past him.

The boy put his arm out, making Ashton stop before he touched him, "in a hurry, baby?"

"P-please do not call me that. Y-yes, I am. Someone is expecting me."

"Mmm really? At four in the morning. I don't think so." He tisked, starting to corner Ashton near the wall.

"I don't have any-any money on m-me, so-sorry."

"I don't want money, how about a fuck?"

"M-maybe next time."

"I'm afraid if you don't come with me, there won't be a next time."

     And with that, Ashton nodded and shakily was taken. The boy brought his cold arm around Ashton's small waist. Ashton shivered slightly but something felt so oddly familiar about it. He felt weird, giving in so easy. Something about the other boy's aurora made him back down, quickly. Before Ashton knew it, the boy had slammed him into the brick wall again,

"I have to go. But I'll be seeing you, babe." The boy mumbled, his lips moved down to Ashton's neck.

    The boy's cool breath breathed on his neck before he clamped his lips down, sucking on the skin. He nipped the sore spot on Ashton's neck before pulling away. The boy winked,

"This is cliché but you, Ashton Irwin, are mine."



    Luke was always quiet, the kid who watched from the sidelines of life. He was silenced by many things but the main two were,

Axel Irwin & Leo Hemmings.

    Axel was Ashton's doppelganger. Leo was Luke's. These doppelganger's weren't like the rest. They were mended to life's physical attachments. They could touch, feel, smell, see, taste, and hear. The rest of the doppelgangers were ghostly. Like they should be. But Luke was unlucky, he got the doppelgangers that could hit him and kick him. Right now, Luke sat in the park. Thank God his personal bullies, the doppelgangers, couldn't touch him in the day. He knew their sprits were evil and had a pact with the Devil. He knew their intentions of dragging their lively forms on earth, their opposites, Luke and Ashton, down to Hell. He knew he was already going but he didn't want someone as sweet as Ashton falling down to Hell with him. So, every night, he made sure he was the only one getting beat. Axel and Leo had been bonded by the Devil, a perfect pair.

"Lukeyyy." Luke's head snapped up and realized the darkness surrounding him, had it really became that late?

"Um, oh hey Axel." Luke stood up, acting like it was normal for him to come for him first. "Where's Leo?"

"Took a walk down the alleyway. It's just me and you."

"Oh, great."

"What, Lukey?"

"Nothing, um. Do you need anything specific?"

"Let's talk about my.. lively form. If you may. We've gone over not telling him that I'm around and if you do I will break every single damn bone in that precious little body of yours. And you are not to even look at him. So I don't even know you're out here, waiting for him."

Luke opened his mouth to say something but was forced down to the ground by a hard shove as Leo came back, "Aye you two. Guess what Axel?"

"Hm?" Axel glanced to Leo.

Leo's devilish smirk grew on his lips,

"I claimed Ashton."


Okay, so in this book the doppelgangers are like Luke and Ashton's twins.

I'll explain it throughout the book and you'll see how it works (: Sorry it was short. It's only the prologue. I hope you guys enjoy this book. Stay beautiful. See you soon.

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