Hotel concert

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Good but I on it don't touch it's mine. Come on let me in as I gave him a blow to El. current. I laughed softly and my head was rather down to him was even more embarrassed. He took me around the waist and walked down the hall into the room for them. It was a secret what did you do for the Ville this gig? No this is weeks done otherwise, it would be right here today, no one was. Oh? This is just to test whether the album will be worth it or not. And then when yes will be touring? Yes it will be.  Oh well, I'll have to buy at least one ticket to see you. He began to laugh. When he walked into the locker room Ville. Hello Anna you are but didn't come even once for us to study. I'm sorry Ville, I didn't have time. The on Janne looked and said so, I believe that Burton gave you a hard time. Well, at least you were with one of us. The boys had for you and daughter surprise but you didn't. So give it to you today on the stage in front of all the fans. So no, I'm ashamed on stage. It doesn't matter to us started to laugh. Then came Jukka,Linde and Mige. Have you told her that Ville? Yes and he is ashamed to walk on the stage behind us. Once again laughter. In the meantime, fill the hall. It was like always sold out. People waited and whistled that I have to go. It was 20:00 And so they all went into the hall. Janne took me by the hand and stood up to the door so that I could see, even for him. I know that I am a fan, not Ville. The crowd was delighted with their group was on the stage. Ville is greeted as always. Began to sing a song I recorded when I was with them in the studio. So I could hum to yourself. Ville looked whether I know and he was smiling that I remember. When played about half the concert he said, and now a surprise for one girl or lady. Jana come up behind me. I came out well for them and he gave me the tickets for the entire tour, HIM and your daughter. I can't take zablekotala I surprise. You need to take not to look at the sad Burton and began to laugh. I was red behind the ears and told so well. And still one you have with your daughter prepared the place in our bus. So you won't have to drag all over the place for us, you have even to transport HIM. The girls were in shock that some women will be in the near HIM. I just stood and looked at Ville as if I was somewhere else and not on the stage. Well, and thank you also for the daughter. People smiled and said well, at least I'll have someone to learn the guitar and smiled. I also. You and you won't have peace I said for fun. A crowd of women grumbled but had the bad luck Ville backed down and said wish them. Burton will be glad that his girlfriend will accompany him on the tour. I am yet alone ladies smiled at the crowd of women. I came downstairs to the door and she noticed the blonde hen with a restaurant. Was with rage red. My I on her tongue mischievously. Div't throw a rock barrier. I started laughing and Ville for her head lice rubbing. He started laughing and pointed her out to relax. When I was fine, returned it to its place. The concert was awesome and so I knew HIM again to be famous. The tour will be the bomb. There's something to look forward to. Not that me again will give Burton as a shield I smiled to myself. That's great but i travel too much. Well and what to tell the daughter that will be in a state of shock when the tickets show. Sadly I was looking down I knew that only two days ago and I'm going home. A concert I enjoyed that much is clear. When it was over we all went out together otherwise we're nowhere. The girls took pictures of a lot and me too I didn't like it I'm no star but I know what awaits me as I engage on FB. A new woman in HIM friend Burton ew melts ugly. Well, maybe not, who knows what will be there. I'll leave it to them and I don't care what those who know me and like he knows I'm good. But what I can be the one I'm with Janne and that's the main thing.

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