Chapter 21

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It's been four hours. Four fucking hours and we haven't seen a single trace of anything leading us to her. "Why didn't you bring dogs?" I snap. "They could've tracked her down."

"Harry," my father snaps at me, rather irritated from the rain continuously pounding us from the sky; while the evidence we might see, is being washed away before us. "I don't know, okay? I was in a hurry and why didn't you think of them earlier if you're going to blame me."

"You're the cop! You're supposed to think of stuff like this so piss off."

"Hey," Paul interrupts, his voice volumes above what ours were. "Cut this shit, there is a girl out God knows where and you two are arguing about crap that we can't help at the moment. Harry, I wasn't even thinking about the dogs when we left and neither were you; and Des, have patients the kid's girl is lost. Damn you both." We all remain quiet, before Paul continues, "Dogs wouldn't have helped anyway, the smell and evidence we might've had is washed away. I don't know what more we can do." By now I'm almost shaking with fury.

"You are not giving up on this!" I shout, "You ass wipes did this with Darcy and I won't have you do this with her. I won't lose her dammit, not if I can help it. I'll fucking find her myself if I have to." My chest is rapidly rising and falling as the anger pours on me like the rain.

"What are we supposed to do? It's now pitch black out and she could be anywhere in the country, hell she could be even out of the country," my dad announces, not helping the situation at all.

"Screw you both!" I seethe as I throw my hands in the air. "I will find her with or without you guys, and when I do, I will kill anyone who had a part in this, and no one; not even you two can stop me." I walk past them, towards the front of the alley where the car is parked. I can hear their boots on the pavement behind me, but I don't turn around, pissed off that they're giving up so easily.

"Harry," Paul says more calmly, making me want to bash his head in the ground beneath us.

"Don't," I spit.

Dad unlocks the car, while we climb in, me climbing into the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Driving myself home to get my car and finding her; since you two are pieces of shits that give up when there's a fucking life on the line."

"I can drive you home," he replies trying to coax me out of his seat.

"No." That was final, no one argued with me as I turned on the lights and drive down the alley; praying to God that she was safe.

Jumper's P.O.V.

Trees and intersections pass before my eyes, on the familiar road Aaron drives. I know where we're going, and I can't help let out whimpers as we pull into the long driveway, leading up to the hell I've known for years.

"Aaron," I whisper, "Please," I can't help the tears cloud my vision, before running from my eyes. It seems to be the only thing I do anymore. Cry and beg.

"Shut the fuck up, Jumper. You wouldn't even be in this situation if you didn't run from Mike," he snaps.

"I didn't run from him!" I cry, it being half right. I only let Harry take me away, I didn't run.

He reaches his arm across the seats, causing me to push my body as far as I could into the door, but it was useless from his arms being so long.

His fist grabs a handful of my hair, before pulling it towards him, my body following suit. "Listen here, bitch," he whispers in my ear as he stops midway on the stone path. "I want you to remain quiet the rest of the drive or I'll tell Mike some of your dirty little secrets." I whimper at the pain and the thought of him threatening me to tell Mike something that I don't even know about.

"What secrets?" I gasp as I try to push the pain away from my mind.

"I have a wild imagination," he chuckles before letting go of my hair, and continues driving.


It looks the same as it did. Vines climbing all over the front, cars parked outside, the atomosphere beign completely dark and eerie. I gulp as he parks and shuts off his car.

"Get out," he demands, "And don't even think about running away.

I do as he says, my body shaking from fear of the things held inside the small building.

Aaron comes around, before dragging me up the few steps, and opens the door; it creaking in the process.

"Look what I found," Aaron sing songs as he drags me up to Mike, a fist full of my hair caught in his hand.

Mike turns around on hearing his best friend's voice; before his eyes land on me, causing him to smile sweetly. It was the same smile he used to give me when he would buy me roses, take me out, tell me he loved me...punish me.

My lip trembles at the thought of what he's going to do to me, now that I'm back.

"Jumper," he grins, his perfect teeth showing, his hands stuffed into his suit pockets. "I've missed you, baby." His hand moves in the air, as he flicks his wrist; letting everyone in the room know he wants them to leave.

"Don't look too alarmed," he chuckles. "This is our normal, baby. You disobey me, you have a little punishment," he sneers as he slowly makes his way over to me. I close my eyes, not wanting to see his, and not wanting to see the marks he's going to imply.

"Where's your bo? The one you ran away with?" He growls. I remain quiet, it hurts to think of Harry, I don't want him in my mind, nor Mike. I just want to be home like normal girls, and blog on tumblr or tweet. But I will never know what being normal is like.

"Answer me!" He bellows as his hands grip my shoulders, before shaking me, my body falling limp to the ground with his sudden push.

I don't move, I don't open my eyes, I just clench my jaw from the pain running all over my body, the pain I want to leave but have no hope of it going away.

"Bitch," he spits before kicking my side, a crack escaping through my ears, causing me cry out; the tears now free on my cheeks.

He grips my wrists, before pulling me to my feet, and dragging me down the hall. "You won't talk, I'll get you to talk," he grits between his teeth, before pushing me into a dark room and shutting the door behind me.

"Take time to think, love. I'll be back in five minutes and if you don't want to talk still, I think you know what's going to be next."

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