fourteen | jump

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of suicide and other sensitive topics so please read at your own risk. I in no way intend to romanticize suicide and depression; this chapter had only been written to show how much of a bully it can be for the ones suffering. If you have been struggling with anything, please don't hesitate to talk and seek help from a trusted adult or friend. Please know that each and every one of you matter a lot and don't ever think otherwise. You're all very important ♥︎

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     Jungkook looked down at the calm waters below the bridge and harshly wiped away his tears. His grip around the railings tightened and his knuckles turned white as he became more infuriated by each second. He shouted out once. Twice. Thrice. All the pelt up frustrations released with the shouts.

He broke down into loud sobs as he bit his lips. "Why? Why me?" he cried out. "What did I ever do to them? What's wrong with wanting to stay alive?" he asked to no one in particular as the wind tousled his hair.

The effects of the drugs still hadn't worn out and his thoughts twirled around like a tornado in his head. Maybe it was the drugs that made him feel so restless at that moment or maybe, just maybe, it was his time to break free from this world. The thought of escaping from all the pain felt nice in his mind and he found himself laughing in temporary happiness while tears flowed out of his eyes at the same time. The laughter slowly died down into heavy sobs again; the people who passed by gave weird looks at him.

"I'm nothing, and when I'm nothing, I won't matter," he chuckled and dropped his bag before putting one foot over the railings. "What's he doing? Is he crazy?" few people gasped. Jungkook laughed again. 'That's right. I'm crazy for thinking that I can live a normal life.' He put his other leg over the railings as well and got onto the other side.

"Hey! Kid, you should get down from there. It's dangerous," a man called out. 'Who said it was safe?' he said in his mind and ignored them. No one cared about how he felt before when he was trying so hard to stay alive, so why care now?

He heard sirens from the distance again. Those damn sirens. 'They're coming to put me back in that hellhole,' he thought and grimaced. He looked beneath him again and a small smile graced his lips. The dark waters; he couldn't wait to get engulfed in the abyss and never come back again.

With that, he looked up at the sky and one last tear rolled down as he let go of the railings. He heard the sirens close by and the sound of people shouting and screaming in shock and he didn't care about it the least bit at that moment as he let gravity do its work of pulling his weight down at a fast speed. The air pushed against his back as he plummeted down and everything apart from the sound of wind hitting him became inaudible as he waited for the impact.

Not long after, the cold blanket that he was anticipating hugged him. He felt a few bones move in ways they shouldn't have along with the harsh impact. Water shot up his nose and into his lungs, causing him to gag continuously as water rushed past his throat. He let out a violent cough to get rid of the salty water entering into his body, a reflex action that sent sparks of pain throughout his chest.

Arms and legs spread out, he laid motionless as he began to sink deeper into the water. The blurry lights of the bridge and the blinking lights of police cars slowly began to fade from his vision and the trails of bubbles leaving his mouth and nose became smaller and smaller before they disappeared. His closed his eyes slowly as everything around him vanished into darkness.

Despite all that pain, he still gave a weak smile.

'Mom, dad, Yein noona, I'm coming.'

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I love you all so much so please don't lose hope ♥︎♥︎ Thank you for supporting this story :)

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