'Gorgeous' Georgia

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This is the bit where Austin answers the call from Georgia.

"Uh hello? Austin speaking." He nervously started.

"Hey baby! Wanna go out again?" she chirped through the iPhone in Austin's hand.

"I'm not your 'baby' and hell no you bitc-" He was about to carry on the swear word until I stopped him.

"Oh... ok then I understand your still mad at me but I have some great news Austy!" She says.

"What?" Austin asked in a tone that said 'I don't even want to know what it is but say it anyway'.

"I have saved enough money for us two to go to Paris in the summer holidays!" She shouted.

"Um...we aren't together remember? Like what happened to Jason the boy you cheated on me for, anyway I already have plans with my VERY good friend Mia and her friends!" He said very with extra emphasis for effect.

"I know we aren't together but I missed you and was hoping to have some fun time with you & I broke up with Jason for you but you obviously have better things to do with Mia and her friends so ok." She told him and I could almost imagine the jealous look on her face.

"I called your mom a thousand times and she always said your not home so where are you exactly?" She nosily asked.

"Nor that it's any of your business but I'm in London visting my famous cousin Niall Horan, 1D and their adopted kid- which is the same age as us by the way-Mia." He explained.

"Great! I'm coming to visit, I'll probably be in London in.around 2 days ok? Bye babes!" She replied cheerily.

"Ok bye.. but I'm not your babe-" Before he could continue she hung up.

"Ugh she's so annoying! I wish I never told her where I was, I told you she's a stalker! One warning before where gets here, she will try and lie to you about me to drive us apart. Be careful of her." He very nicely informed me.

"Ok, got it!" I told him.

2 days later; Austin is having a sleep over with Mia- but they are in different rooms and beds by the way readers:

I wake up around 6:15, wow I'm early! I decide to text my bestie Yasmin about what happened

*Hey Yas!*

*Hi Mimi, miss you SOO much!*

*Aww me too! Guess what?*

*What Mia? I'm itching to know!*

*Ok, you, Niall?*

*Yeah what bout him?*

* He has a cousin called Austin that came over for a sleep over and HE'S SOOO hot and sweet! You should SO see him!*

*Aw really?! I wanna come see you soon Mia I miss you loads, so when can I?*

*Uh well basically Austin got 7 tickets to go New York in America so it wouldn't include him, me or his sister Lexi but Nuru, shifali, Hamda, Taqiah, Fahima, Zaynah & Maidah, but I kind of forgot about you...*

*Oh..its ok I am planning to go out shopping and sleepovers with my new bestie HUDA as you don't miss your best friend! Bye.*

Ughh no! I'm not going to lose my bff now or ever I'm going to sort this now.

"WAKE UPPPP!!!" I shout at Austin. "Huh? Yeah whats up Mia?" He asked tiredly while yawning a bit.

"Um..well my best friend Yasmin is back in Manchester and I don't think I'll go New York without her so sorry I can't go." I tell him, "No! I mean you can't, I'll miss you loads." He says, "Sorry but I have known Yasmin since we were babies because we were born in the same hospital and all our lives we have been together and I can't leave her I'm sooo sorry Austin." I explain before frowning while trying to stop my tears from falling.

"I'll get another ticket for Yasmin if you come with me!" He exclaims, "Ok thanks love you loads Austin!" I tell him.

"No worries!" He says.

We stare into each other's eyes for a bit, I'm hypnotized my his ocean blue eyes. He touches my hand and leans in for a kiss, it isn't too long or short and it felt just right. We both blush before going our separate ways.

I rush into my bedroom and text Yasmin saying I got an extra ticket so she can come. By the way of her facial expression of the snap on Snapchat she sent me she seems pretty thrilled and excited. I feel a great feeling inside me that I have made up with my best friend again & for what happened between me and Austin. But then it hits me, were Yasmin and Huda acting all bestie-bestie while I was gone? I decide to text her to find out.

*Hi Yasmin! Can I ask u something?*

*Yeah sure ask ahead!*

*Well u know when u said u and Huda have become bff's since I was gone was it true?*

*No I was kidding u know ur my bff! Me and Huda are just friends nothing more or less.*

*Good to know! Ok gtg eating breakfast and gonna have a chat with Austin so bye Yazzie!*

*Bye Mimi, good luck with Austin keep me updated!*

*Will do! Caio*

*¡Adios!*  (Thats Spanish for bye btw)

What will happen today when Georgia comes to visit? Will she break apart Mia's & Austin's close relationship or will they stay together? Vote to know more...

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