Food Time!

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It is only around 11:15 when I get bored of going on twitter, instagram and those stuff. So I decide to have a sugar and junk food marathon in my spare time, I find crisps, candy(sweets), chicken, fries, chocolate etc then sit on the sofa switch on the T.V and eat it all is around 11:35 when I'm all done and full up. I hear someone coming downstairs so I hide all the wrappers and packets under the sofa, I see Zayn looking very hot with his messy hair and hazle-ish brown eyes- why am I saying this I can't...LIKE Zayn can I?! Ewh I mean he's like almost ten years older than me!

"Hey Mia, what's up? And what's that brown stuff around your mouth?" He asked. I just remembered that I forgot to wipe my mouth of the chocolate!

" see" I stutter.

"Yes...?" He continued. "Well, I kind of um.. you know.." I struggle to say.

"No I don't know so tell me now." He demanded, "Ok, ok..I had a BIT of chocolate and other foods while you guys were asleep." I nervously told him therefore regretting what I did, "A BIT? are you sure about that because all those wrappers under our sofa don't look like a bit!" He said pointing to the empty packets. "Alright. You've got me, I was bored..sorry Zayney Wayney!" I tell him making my CUTEST puppy face on.

"DON'T call me that I hate that name and its ok we're used to food 'mysteriously' disappearing but it's always Niall anyway." He says before smiling warmly.

"Anyway let me check the time on my phone...oh its only 11:41 a bit more left till we have to wake them up and-" he's cut off by his phone ringing. I watch him as he stops to answer it "Hello Z's phone who is it?" He said. I hear a few bits of his conversation going like:

"Uh huh..yh? Really, that's great. We'll be ready don't worry!"

"Who's that?" I quite nosily ask, he replied "Oh, that was Niall's little cousin he's the same age as you, him and his older sister are coming over because they offered to look after you and get to know you more, is that ok?"

Ugh finally! Someone my age, can't wait "Yes, that would be great! I'll just go and get changed." I chirp excitedly, "Ok, they are already on their way so I'll quickly wake up the boys so we can get ready early and leave you guys alone sooner." He said calmly.

We both go up, me to change and him to wake the rest of 1D and get ready. When I get to my room I wear my flower print knee length dress, black leather jacket, leggings and boots. I take out my make up put a little foundation,mascara a light shade of eye shadow then a bit of blusher, I take one look in the mirror then put away my make up bag and close my wardrobe.

I look like I'm trying to impress someone but they always say 'if you look your best you be your best' actually they don't say that but its a good saying. I walk down like half an hour later and see them all walking out, "BYE!" I shout before waiting patiently on the sofa for Niall's cousins.

A few minutes later I hear a rhythmic knock on the door. I open it to see a...a boy that words absolutely CANNOT explain I feel like it's love at first sight. He has blonde hair just like me is wearing black chinos and a grey top saying 'OBEY' , to be honest he's SOOO hot. I stare at him like a smiling freak for what seems like hours until he says "Hey I'm Austin, Niall's cousin and this is my sister Alexis but you can call her Lexi." He points at a girl that looks around 19 with dirty blonde hair white jeans and a plain purple top with a lavender cardigan on top. She looks pretty but has a calm vibe to her because of her casual dress sense.

She waves smiling then goes and sits on the oak arm chair in the corner. "Come in!" I tell Austin before sitting down at my usual sofa. Surprisingly he comes and sits next to me still smiling he asks me a bit about myself I tell him then there's an awkward silence between us two because Lexi is on her phone listening to music and doing god knows what else. He breaks the silence by asking me the ultimate question....

To be continued....

Thanks for reading so far guys! Ooh cliffhanger, what will Austin ask Mia? Vote to find out more.

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