the wierd dreams

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I walk into another room of the house I was in. the room was huge without furniture, just a huge curtain hanging up. There was a figure behind the curtain, the figure moved the curtain and out came Evan.

Soon there was a group of people dancing around us Evan grabbed my hand and had me dance with him. Evan smiled and kissed me half way through the dance.

I woke up smiling and confused about why I had that dream, I got up and shook the dream from my mind.

I got ready for school and stepped outside feeling early, I stepped to my usual spot and stopped.

When I was able to get on the bus I sat down and waited for my stop.

I pulled my phone out and plugged my ear buds in then pulled up pictures of Evan, smiling I shoved the phone back in my pocket and looked outside.

When we got off the bus I slipped on a rock and fell, for once in a week I saw Evan as he helped me up.

"please be careful" he said and walked away.

I tried following him but soon lost him because of the crowd sighing I head in and prepare at my locker.

Nikki was out sick today so I was left to fend for myself, I headed to the playground for the younger kids and set on the swing.

Looking up at the sky and I swear I feel someone watching me, I hurry back to the school and grab my things.

After the day was done I got home and threw myself on my bed I play a song a sing the lyrics.

Maybe I got it wrong
How did it turn off, cause your out of my reach
Maybe I played to safe
How did I pull away, maybe im to blinded to see
I've been hoping you'd catch up some how like I'm way to far ahead
Every time i think I'm gaining ground I misunderstood again
I thought that I said it in the things I didnt say
I thought you felt it in the games I didnt play
So let records show I never let you go can we get back on track, oh.

After singing a few songs my voice started to crack so I went downstairs to get some water.

I looked at my phone no new messages "come on Evan when you gonna stop giving me the silent treatment" I whisper, I go upstairs to text Nikki.

Me: hey

Nikki: hi

Me: how are you feeling

Nikki: not good, im hurting all over

Me: is there anything I can do to help

Nikki: bring me some seven up

Me: got it, on my way now

Nikki: your a life saver

Me: nah

I headed to Nikki's with the seven up and was met by.

Oooo cliff hanger! Sorry peeps anyways heres another chapter third one of the day! Wheres my coffee... oh, Cya all later!!

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