Chapter 1 - Smell of Intruders and Owls

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Cain POV

I looked down at the 'goddess', my old partner, even if no more. Calculating my words to match perfectly, I spoke.

"Well, hello Ko. I heard you wanted me to come, so I came. With my daughter, per your request."

Perhaps not the best way to talk with a god, but I wouldn't care that much. I was already dead, she could erase me from existence though. And that wouldn't affect me until my daughter took my soul, which isn't happening soon.

"Ah yes, hello to you too, old friend. You know, wasn't necessary to try and train your daughter on me. It is good she isn't experienced yet, otherwise I may have been bleeding severely right now. Anyways, I wanted to talk about when you'll be giving the soul, or if I should take it after all."

I smirked at that. No way would I give the power to control reality and make illusions to this mad woman. She may seem sweet on the outside, but come on. She sacrificed her best friend, the original Ravion to an experiment she didn't know if worked. I don't think she's god-like. She's not getting the soul.

"My daughter will take the soul and continue the legacy. I will have it no other way. And if she was to 'mysteriously' die, I'll give it to one of Catherines descendants. If that is all, I shall leave."

Watching her face was hilarious, she seemed shocked I wouldn't give her the soul. Propably confused me with other guardians, who followed her every command. No, no. You're dealing with Cain Sei Ravion, the guardian of Reality and Illusions. The ex-god king. The most powerful being in the current timeline, with millions of demons, angels and guardians in his mind, bound by shackles.

This dragon isn't bowing down to a pathetic goddess that betrayed him.

"O-of course Cain. You can go now. And Luna, don't try to sneak on me ever again."

We nodded, and left the pathetic goddess to deal with the loss by herself.

I changed my appearance to look more human, and teleported to my boyfriend's universe. Funny enough, I myself was born in this exact one. My now yellow eyes scanned the area and I soon realized I was about a block away from his apartment. Ah humans and their architecture.

After few minutes, I was standing in front of his door, ringing the doorbell. I was surprised when it wasn't Ian who opened. I didn't know this human and began to expect the worst.

"Aaand who the hell are you? You're interrupting something, go away."

Before the blonde bitch managed to close the door, I stopped it with my leg. Damn, that hurt. Stupid human bodies. Before she realised I wasn't going anywhere I stormed into the apartment in search of my love. Walking into the living room I got fed up and used one of the many seeker eyes I have around here. Ian is in the bathroom. I made my way there so quickly, almost suspected the speed changed my form back. That hovewer, did not happen.

Opening yet an another set of doors, there on the floor sat my boyfriend. As I noticed he had a bandaged arm, but I couldn't sense anything else but blood at that moment. It was Ian's, yet I smelled a demon. Was that little.. Crouching next to Ian, I said:

"You ok babe? Want me to heal it? I'll kill her, don't worry"

He looked at me and nodded, his mind said to the healing, so I did that, using some tricks Catherine taught me. When I was done I gave him a quick peck and left to find the demon. It was standing in the hallway, propably realised I wasn't a mere human.

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