I woke up when the flight attendant said that we were in Kentucky. This was the longest trip that I've taken by far but, I'm glad I'm far, far away from California. When I got off the plane I saw my grandma who is taking me in. "Oh, Mina. I've missed you so much. It's been too long deer.". "Hi grandma. I've missed you too. You look so beautiful". She truly was beautiful. She had long grey hair that faded to platinum, Her face was full of wrinkles that made her look adorable and her soft, green eyes were still full of love. "Come on dear. I'm ready to go home and see Brett and Laila". Laila and Brett were my cousins. "Me too. How are they by the way?" "Laila just went into first grade and you and Brett, who's a football player now, are gonna be in the tenth grade together. Your lucky though. You get to start school on a Friday." Brett was 16. He had brown fluffy hair with green eyes like grandma. We continued to catch up and then we were in the car on our way home.
Everything was chill and silent until my grandma broke the silence. "Sweetheart. You don't have to feel afraid or anything. Your mother is not gonna follow you here." Flash backs started and a tear streaked my cheek. "I know grandma. I have your strong self to protect me." She put her hand on mine and chuckled. "Yes you do dear." I decided to leave California and my dad working there. I miss him.
"We're home!" I looked up in awe. The house still looks the same with it's big windows and white paint on the outside. Me and grandma got out of the car and this little blonde haired, blue eyed girl came running to me for a hug. "Laila! I've missed you. How's my little booger doing? I heard your In first grade now. Your getting so big." She jumped and we hugged tight. Next person I saw was waiting at the door. It was Brett. "Hey brat, long time isn't it?" I used to call him brat instead of Brett cause it annoyed him. "Yep. It's good to see you Mina. Let me help you carry your stuff to your room." "Ok."
We get to my room and Brett sets my luggage down on my bed and he just stares at me for a minute, looking hesitant. "What?" I regret asking that. "I know what happened. And what ever torture your mom did to you will not happen ever again. I'm here for you, you know that right?" "Yes. I know. Any more questions?" He hesitated but quietly said it. "Can you explain what she did? you don't have to if it's too much for you." I didn't really want to go over the memories again but I know the feeling of not knowing and it's frustrating. "My mom...abused me for three years. She would ..... she would tie me up to something so I wouldn't move. I've had knives carve my back, cigarette burns also and scorching metal on my shoulders. I had enough so I... I tried to kill my self. I didn't want the pain anymore. Next thing I knew. I was in the hospital and my dad was there. My mom was on the run." Tears were definitely coming down so I looked to the floor. I felt a warm hug from Brett. "Your Safe now. Grandma learned some new Kung fu moves and I know she'll want to try it on anyone who would harm you." We both started giggling.
I was left alone to finish unpacking and then I hear purring from underneath the bed so I knelt down and looked. there is this black kitten with a letter on it. It said "a gift for you. You first new friend forever. Love grandma." I smiled. "What should I call you cutie? How about Max?" The kitten meowed in what sounds like agreement. "What do you say about getting some shut eye? I'm pooped." I climbed into bed and max followed curling up beside me and starts purring. It was like a massage that made me slowly drift to sleep.

ChickLitMeet a girl named Mina. She moved from a dark past. Now she's in Kentucky learning how to trust and care all over again with the help of Corey, a goofy blonde haired football player.