Chapter 7

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"So," Gavin started talking with a mouth full of burger. "You get a thousand dollars, right? But you have to bang someone in the crew once a month. Would you do it?" He swallowed what he had been chewing.

"Well, is it a thousand a month? And is it a different crew member each month?" Ryan sipped on his diet coke.

"It's anyone in the crew you choose. It could be the same person each month, but it doesn't have to be. And no. Its a thousand a year for as many years, or months, you continue." The lad grabbed a fry and dipped it into his vanilla shake before devouring it.

"Now, is this a hypothetical or an actual proposal. Because yes, I'd do that."

Upon hearing that, Gavin choked on the fry he was about to swallow. All he could picture in his head was Ryan hovering over him and-

"You okay there, pal?" The older male asked, an eyebrow raised. Gavin nodded, not trusting his voice. Once Gavin calmed down enough, he told Ryan he was going to use the bathroom.

The gent sat in the booth and took out his phone, noticing he had 3 missed calls and 5 unread texts all from Geoff. He read the texts first.

Griff: Hey, you hold up your end of the bargain, yet?
Sent at 07:54.
Griff: Hey asshole. Answer the god damn question.
Sent at 09:24.
Griff: I swear, King. If you don't answer in the next hour, I'm going to track your ass down and we can talk in person.
Sent at 13:48.

Ryan looked at the time on his phone. It read 14:17. He sighed and decided to call his boss.

"There you are, you piece of shit! Why haven't you been answering? And where the fuck is Gavin? His room is a wreck, his alarm is broken, and his phone is still here! He never leaves without his god damn phone! Please tell me he's with you." Geoff's voice dripped with frustration, confusion, and a quality Ryan had never heard in it before - Concern. Fear. Genuine fear for the lad.

"Well, hello to you, too, Geoff. And yes, Gavin is with me. He just left to use the bathroom. And sorry about the mess. I kind of broke his alarm. And destroyed his room. And forgot his phone. I did succeed in kidnapping him, however. He'll probably tell you all about my mistakes when he gets back."

"Ah. Good. So, I'm guessing you fulfilled your end of the deal?" Relief flooded the adoptive father's voice.

"Yeah. I know what's bugging him, too. He's afraid you'll hurt whoever it is he likes in the crew. Or kick him out. Something drastic, I'm sure. All he said was 'or something bad will happen.' " For the quote, Ryan pulled a faux British accent.

"Oh. Well, who does he like, Ryan?" There was something in his ever changing tone that Ryan didn't like.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me that, and I didn't ask. It's probably Michael or Ray. He's pretty close to both of them. Team Lads and all.." He let his voice drift off, his tone dampened at saying that.

"Ryan. I highly doubt it's one of them. Michael has Lindsay, remember? And Ray.. Well, he's Ray." Geoff cleared his throat. "Anyway, I need to start making some more arrangements for this job. I'll talk to you later."

Ryan didn't know what came over him, but he felt the need to just say something. He didn't know what it'd be, but he just felt like it had to be said.

"Wait, Geoff! I, uh, I need to tell you something important."

"Just tell me later, I really need to-"

"No, Geoff. I have to say it now." There was urgency in Ryan's voice that forced Geoff to stop and sigh.

"Fine. What is it?"

"I don't know how, but I think I like your son. I think I like Gavin. "Ryan was shocked at what he had said. He wouldn't have believed what he had said were it not for the feeling in his gut and chest as he said it.

Geoff sounded like he had just choked and spit out his drink.

"You- you what?!"

"I... I think I've fallen for Gavin Ramsey-Free."

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