He Alive?

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"Yeah sure, you really want me to believe that"

"He is, ask him yourself", he looked at me with that smirk of his. I just want to rip it of his face and burn it till there's nothing left. A guy like should never smile, I wish I could.

"Ed please tell me he's lying", she kept pleading me and I could see the spark in her eye, not of joy, but of disappointment.

I stayed quiet , after an awkward moment of silence, she finally got the hint and got up.

"You see Harry, everyone runs away from you"

The bell rang, everybody shoving each other just to get to class.

I stayed there, planted on my seat. Stating at all the comments on my Facebook page.

"Your a freak"

"You don't deserve to be alive, you monster"

"I feel bad for who ever gave birth to you"

I rushed to the bathroom and got in a stall, my back slid down the wall as the tears fell.

They don't understand what I went through, they don't understand what my mom went through. They wouldn't unless it happened to them.

I could feel the revenge.


Last bell of the fay , I stood up from my spot on the floor.

I had been sitting in here for 2 hours, staring at my screen. Waiting for more pain to come.

Surprisingly it didn't , no notifications.

I went into the hall way, and as usual for the past 4 weeks, everybody moved out of the way.

Some girls would stare at me, not to look scared, but as if they were trying to get my number.

But other than that, I got to my car easily.

I decided to go to Starbucks to cool off for a while.

I had parked my car in the public parking lot and walked down the street to the small shop.

There was a car, a black car behind me. I tried not to look back, but as always, curiosity won.

It was Brandon and James, and the rest of the team.

"Yo Edward"

"What do you want?", I have him that worst look I could. Apparently he didn't see, or he just ignored it.

"Just here to inform you about your old man"

I stopped dead in tracks. He's dead, the monster is dead.

I killed him right before my eyes, the doctor said that he wouldn't make it.

That liar, if he isn't dead, that means he's still alive.

"He's dead" , was all I could say. Apparently that wasn't enough for them.

"On contrare mousieur, he is still very much alive, and stronger then ever"

"You're lying"

"Now why would Iie to my brother"

"Shut up"

"Bipolar much, no wonder you killed him"

"Oh and by the way Ed, heh, he told me to tell you to watch your back"

The. anger was burning and I could feel it.

I killed him, we moved, he found us.

Now what.

The only thing I can't believe is that .

He's Alive.


Hey sorry for the long update but yea thanks for reading :-)

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