Long Gone

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I was only 10 when my dad left, more like died. I wouldn't say that he was a good man anyways. My mom was like an angel to me, sweet, beautiful, and the sound of her voice went elegantly with the sound of a harp. But she suffered a lot.

All the pain was caused because of me, my dad did not want me; he hated me. He would get mad at me for nothing, just because of that drink. The drink that my mom made sure was far away from me as I turned 18.

She said that she didn't want me to be like him. I don't blame her though, because dad was a horrible man.

Every night, it replays in my head. The day my dad had died, I didn't mean for it to happen. I guess all the anger, fright,and pain just took over me. It plays in my head like a nightmare every single day. Of course I have been to therapy but none of them are able to make me forget.

Forget the day that I Edward Styles, killed my father.



I hate school. I hate everybody in it.I was alright before she opened her mouth. I had friends, Ben, I knew since we were 5.But after she told him, no one ever bothered to talk to me again.

Emma Wright, my first ever girlfriend. I truly loved her, but she played me. She tried to make me spill my secret. All because of her, I told myself that I would never love again.


"Hello Mrs.Styles"

Emma said as she walked in my house. She had that same smile plastered on her face, that smile that had me fall for her.

She had only come to tonight because mom wanted to meet her.

" Please dear that makes me sound old. Call me Anne"

Mom and Em walked into the living room, and sat down on the sofa.

"So tell me about yourself"

"Well, I'm a cheerleader"

" Really?"

Em just simply nodded, and changed the subject.

"What smells so good?"

"Oh Edward is in the kitchen cooking"

"I remember him telling me that he would cook at home"

She looked so beautiful, and she had such a good personality. I guess I picked right.

They think I was cooking. Well, if you consider standing in front of a stove while eaves dropping, then yes I am "cooking". Its not like it was completely my fault anyways, they were really loud.

I could hear mom talking to Emma about me as a baby and showing pictures with,"Aww he was so cute", and "look at those dimples". Okay that was it, the food was ready anyways and the table was set, so why keep them waiting?

I walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room. Going over to where mom was and taking the album out of her hands.

" Okay dinner is ready"

" Did you burn the food?"

" Mom you know I would never do that. You might as well just call me 'Chef Styles'"

"Oh really?", Emma asked raising one eyebrow and smirking.

"Anyways lets go eat before the food gets cold", mom said totally ignoring Emma and I's conversation.

We over to the Dining room and sat down, we all served ourselves and began eating.

" Ed this is delicious", Emma said tasting the pasta.

" I learned from the best", I said and looked over to mom.She smiled at me her green eyes looking into my emerald ones.

She was truly happy, and I could see it.


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