Ally vs Serena

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Allison POV

Stomping my feet into Alexander's house with Xan at my side, I sat at the kitchen table.

I think I lost half my hair with me pulling at it every so often. I was furious but at the same time proud of my outcome. Everything went according to plan.

When Xander had left this morning well technically I forced him out the door. In fact he refuse to leave my side for a split second. So I did what I had to do, I threaten him to move out if he starts hoovering over me. I needed my space.

In the hospital, not once had he left my side. As much as I love him he was suffocating me. So we made a deal, that Charlie and Colton be with me at all times. I had agreed just so he could leave me be, besides I had things to do or so I told him.

Not long after I made Xan a small sandwich, Xander burst through the doors calling out for me to which I ignored him.

Which was futile because he still found me. "What the pipe was that?"

"Excuse me, I just saved your sorry banana and you have the nerve to ask me what the pickle was that?" I could see the veins pop in his neck, "Look mister you have no right to be angry."

Xander just stared at me and for a few seconds we were at a staring contest but I refuse to back down.

"I can explain."

"Save it. I all ready know."

He looked at me confused, "Remember our first night in a long time, I had told you your PA told me enough well yes she had told me all about the 'Will' dating back to your disappearance."


"Let me finish. For years I wondered what I did wrong. Was I not good enough. In fact my self esteem was hit hard.  Evan after Xan was born I suffered from postpartum depression, your absence made it worse." I paused looking back at Xan, "Xan honey, since your done eating lunch why don't you go play with your toys in your room."

"Okay mommy." I waited till he was out of hearing range, "How dare you make me feel like I'm worth less, if it wasn't for Charlie and Xan, I wouldn't be where I am now." my fist pounded at his chest, he however never even budge, go figure. It was hard trying to slap him, my good arm was stiff and my cast wasn't helping. Oh how I wish it wasn't in the way.

"Look I didn't..."

"No you look, you have no idea what I went through especially raising Xan all by myself. College as well and the look from people, their pity stares. I had to bare it all."

"Allison." He growled, "You are not worthless." He grabbed my arms, "You, everything I did was for you. I love you."

"Really, so you love me enough that you chose money over me, you love me enough that you're willing to marry someone else over me...."

He was speechless because what I said was true.

"Please Ally..." He pleaded, "I know what the old men are capable of and I didn't want you or even Xan to be caught in middle."

"I'm your fucking wife. Did you not listen to our vows? Did you not trust me enough to confide in me. Before we are husband and wife, we were friends."

Alexander POV

I heard her where she's coming from. And I have no one to blame but myself.

"All you thought about is yourself," she continued, "Not once have you thought about me. Was I too poor for you, not good enough for you. You just took what you wanted and left. If you could've told me about you wanting that inheritance I would've understand and let you go." Her voice cracked up and tears spilled from her eyes.

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