Troubles and more Troubles

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Alexander POV-Weeks Eariler

My days with my family has been put on hold. Every time I wish to do something with Ally, I get interrupted by her, the she devil herself. She'd always have somethings to complain about.

I sat in front of my computer staring at the screen for minutes maybe hours. These days it was hard to even concentrate.

Ally has not been at her usually desk. She has been putting in hours to get her cases done. In some days she would come home late missing dinners. I had to pick up our son from day care and some times he would be with Charlie.

My office door burst open revealing my dad. "What's this I hear?" He shouted.

"Father hello to you too."

"Oh quit the greetings." Mike slammed his hands on my desk, "Did you have that slut with her son move into your home that you share with Serena?"

Rising to my feet, "And, what's the problem?"

"The problem is Serena is pregnant with your child. Think about her, think about your child!"

"Look old man, just be glad I'm stepping up to be the father of the child. As for Allison you will not come to my office and start insulting her."

"Don't you see son, she will be your down fall. Now the wedding has been put on hold long enough...You will be getting married soon. If you do not see we have been the laughing stock, our reputation is on the line here. Once Serena is half way in her term, you will say 'I do'. I will not have the child be born when it's parents are not even yet married."

My jaws tick, my palms clenching, "No! And that's my finally answer," my voice stood firmly.

"No!" He mocked. "Are you prepared to say good bye to your inheritance."

"Fuck the inheritance. You want it, keep it or give it to that no good cousin of mine. No way in hell am I going to give up Allison."

"Is that so, she may be a lawyer but I can have her put away behind bars for a crime she had committed and her son will be put in foster care."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Mike placed a manila folder in front of my desk.

Eyeing it, I opened it up and read the contents.

Reading it had my head flip, it was pictures of Allison with an older gentle man dated from college days. It says she was accuse of being a drug pusher.

This is not true, Allison would never do this, "Where the hell did you get this information?"

"I have my sources."

"Well your sources are wrong."

"Wrong or not, this will ruin her. Now tell me how much do you love her son."

"What do you want?"

"Simple really, I'll shall allow you to continue to play family but you are not to touch her. If you do I'll know."

Is that all, what is he playing at, "What are you playing at?"

"Oh nothing, I don't have to do anything and neither do you because of her own free will she will leave you."

"I highly doubt that."

My father threw in an evil smile, "I know woman son and she is after all a woman."

Mike left my office leaving me confused and with a file on my desk that's not helping at all.

Just then My PA called me, perfect timing.

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