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"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."  -Eleonora, Edgar Allan Poe

"Blood work!"

I sighed, getting up from my paperwork-covered desk. It was only 30 minutes into the work day and I was already swamped. The left side of my desk, which held my centrifuge and my vial tray, was completely full. The part of the desk in front of me was shrouded in paperwork for said blood to my left that had to be entered into the computer.

I walked around the corner from my office to where the new lab order was sitting. I grabbed the order and my supply tray and went to the room, plastering a fake smile on my face for the patient.

"Hi," I said, knocking before walking in. "I'm here to draw your blood."

I set my tray down on the small counter in the corner of the room and grabbed my supplies, putting on gloves. I could feel the patient's eyes on me, studying me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I tried my best not to shiver. Why do they always feel the need to stare at me? I just draw blood. What I do is not that interesting.

I turn, my supplies in my gloved hands. "Do you have a preferred arm?"

The patient finally broke their gaze, looking down at their arms. "Um, wherever I suppose. I'm not picky."

I nod and take the few steps towards the exam bed they're perched on. Setting my things down next to them and grabbing the tourniquet, I look at their arm that was shoved in my face. Large, juicy veins sit in front of me, waiting.

I smile and say, "You have really nice veins."

They chuckle, a low rumbling within their chest that sounds like thunder. I look back up into their eyes, now noticing the grey color. They have swirls of blue and green in them, making their eyes look like the sky on a stormy day. I never knew anyone to have eyes like the sky. It was almost painful to tear my gaze away, back to my job at hand.

Apply tourniquet. Easy enough.

Clean the site. Piece of cake.

Puncture vein with needle. Best part of the day.

Fill needed tubes. Watch the dark blood flow.

Remove tourniquet.

Remove needle. Sadly.

Apply gauze and pressure to stop bleeding.

"Do me a favor and push down right here," I ask, pointing with my free hand towards the gauze. They nod, placing a finger on the site.

I grab the now full tubes, putting them in my tray, and throw the needle in the sharps container. Pulling out a Band-Aid, I turned back to the patient and removed the gauze. A small drop of blood pooled from the site, drawing my gaze. My mouth watered, and I swallowed, licking my lips. I could almost taste the iron on my tongue. Shaking my head, I placed the Band-Aid over the small wound, ashamed at my own thoughts.

"You can go ahead, if you want," came rumbling out of the patient. Everything became still and I stiffened; the calm before the storm.

"Excuse me? I don't understand what you mean."

They chuckled again, pointing to their arm. "I saw you. Go ahead. I have no problem with it."

My eyes widened and I licked my lips yet again. Just the thought of taking off the Band-Aid and taking a small pull from their arm made me slightly aroused. My mouth pooled with saliva once more. I couldn't breathe. They gave me permission. I had never had permission before.

Slowly, ever so slowly, they pulled the bandage off their arm, their stormy eyes piercing my own. I glanced back at their arm, now uncovered and free. Just for me.

"I- I cant."

I rushed out of the room quickly, forgetting my tray full of supplies - and their blood. I ran out of the doctor's office and to my car, thanking myself for carrying my keys in my pocket. I got in, shaking so hard it took a few tries to get the key in the ignition.

I had to leave.


I collapsed in my bed, dropping my full backpack to the ground beside me. I could finally breathe again. I hated being out in the world. Coming home was like finally being able to rip off an exoskeleton to unveil my true self. I could be whoever I wanted at home. Outside though, I had to be kind. But inside I could be rude, harsh, lazy, etc. Anything.

A knock at my door startled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I called out.

The door creaked open and my roommate's head popped in the room. I could see the nervousness on her face.

"What's up sweetie?" I questioned, confused.

She scratched her unruly hair - an act of anxiety that I came to find endearing over the years I've known her. "Did...did you happen to grab my supplies?"

"Oh, yeah I did. Sorry, long day. Hang on a second." I leaned over the side of the bed where I had dropped my backpack, grabbing it and setting it in front of me. I opened it and pulled out the packages, sliding each one towards her. Her eyes lit up seeing how many were there.

"Thank you so much," she told me, eyes darkening. "I'm sorry I keep making you go out for me. I've just been so sick lately."

I nod, continuing to empty the backpack. I keep mindful of the knife at the bottom, so as not to accidentally cut myself. That would be bad for the both of us.

I eye the extra packages on the bottom, debating on whether to give her all of them or save some for later. Screw it, I can always go back out later.

"Hey, I got you some presents," I say, handing her the haphazardly wrapped packages. She smiled wide, bouncing on the pads of her feet.

She hugged me - as well as she could with all of the packages in her arms. "Thank you! I didn't want to ask you for them. I know how much work you go through to get them for me."

I smile awkwardly, patting her back. "You're welcome. You can ask me for anything, you know that, right?"

She nods, excitedly opening one of the packages. I watch her closely, seeing her eyes light up. Inside the package are what look like golf balls, rolling around in her hand. She looks at me again, her eyes almost black, and smiles. Popping one in her mouth, she closed her eyes and moaned, savoring the taste. Her head tilted to the side and I could see the points of her ears twitch; a sign of happiness.

She explained it once, long ago. Her strange hunger. I used to never know when she would go out to get her "supplies", but recently she had been so weak that I had been going out. My knife had never seen so much action. Hopefully this lot lasted her a while. It took a lot of work to gather enough to satisfy her; to gather what she so desperately needed sometimes:

Fresh meat.


Once again, a big, huge thanks to anyone reading this. I've been wanting to write this story for quite some time. Will hopefully be putting up more chapters soon.

*Helpful tip, in case anyone hadn't noticed: every time there is "*****" the POV has changed. *

Alright, thanks once again! And feel free to comment! :)


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