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"The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world." - Edgar Allan Poe

Sirens. Flashing lights. Chatter over walkie-talkies. It was all too much. When the police came they had to shake me to stop screaming. I haven't spoken yet. They've tried to ask me what happened, but I honestly didn't know what I could tell them without being thrown in the asylum, so I kept my mouth shut. I watched in morbid fascination as they put my friend in a body bag and took her away. There was still so much blood. All I could think about was how hard it would be to get the stain out, and that we won't get the security deposit back.

Someone walked into my line of vision, presumably a police officer, and tried to get my attention. It sounded like they were speaking through a large vat of jello.

"...your friend. We need to take you down town for questioning," the officer told me. My eyes snapped up, looking away from the scene for the first time since I found her.


The officer raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me? You are a suspect for murder. You're coming to the station."

Grabbing me, he pulled me toward the front door, out into the blaring sun. "Let's go," he said roughly. Another officer behind us coughed, making the one pulling me hesitate. The other officer whispered in his ear, and he nodded.

Turning to me, he dropped my arm and grumbled out, "We need you in for questioning in the next twenty four hours. If you don't show up, you'll be under arrest. Do you understand?"

I nodded, wondering if I was going to be sticking around or not.

Probably not. Not if that thing was real. Fuck that. I needed to run.

The cleanup crew didn't do much, honestly. They got some of the hair and blood, but left soon after. I was a bit disappointed but it was also a little comforting to still have bits of her left. My best friend, just gone.

Soon enough it was just me; just me and the blood. I gave it a wide berth as I made my way back into my bedroom. The shadows were messing with my head so I opened the shades. It most likely wouldn't help, but at least it sent a little comfort my way.

I crawled under my bed, grabbing my duffel bag and pulling it out. A sense of urgency filled me.

Clothes. I probably needed clothes. I opened my drawers and emptied the essentials into the duffel bag. Now what?

Toiletries. Probably? I went into my bathroom and haphazardly grabbed what I thought I needed.

Money. Going into my closet, I reached into the top and grabbed a shoebox. Putting it on my bed, I opened it to count how much I had. Fuck, only a few grand. It wouldn't get me too far; hopefully it'll take me as far as Mexico. I'll have to hitchhike for most of it.

Grabbing the bag and my phone and it's charger, I trotted towards the front door. I took one last look around before leaving my home of the past few years. I would miss this place, but I had to get the hell outta dodge.

"Bye," I whispered as I left, closing the door on that part of my life. I had a sickening feeling that my life would never be the same.


The car's windows were open, allowing the summer breeze to cool me as I drove down the highway. I would much rather have the windows open than the air conditioning on. It made me calmer somehow. I had the music on and was singing along to a particularly nice song when I spotted a man walking alongside the road. I reached over to the radio and turned the volume down, slowing down. I pulled over and watched as the man grabbed a duffle bag and ran towards the passenger side of my car.

Leaning into the open window, the man smiled and said, "Hey, thanks for stopping. Do you mind if I hitch a ride?"

I nodded, noticing that he looked rather familiar, yet I couldn't place him. "Sure, hop in."

I grabbed my backpack from the seat and put it in the back as he opened the back door and threw his own bag inside. I watched him closely as he sat down next to me, closing the door behind him.

"So," I started, clearing my throat. "Where you headin'?"

"Mexico. So if you can get me as far south as you can, that would be great."

Mexico? I wondered what he was running from. Or if he had any family there. No one normally hitchhikes from New York to Mexico on a whim.

"Sure," I say, pulling back on the road. Not like I had a real destination anyway. After what had happened yesterday at work, I had gone home, packed, and got in the car. I didn't really know where I was going. I stole a quick glance back at my passenger, studying him for a moment.

"My name is..." Shit. I don't think I can use my real name, can I? Fuck it, take a chance. "Josephine Pierce, but everyone calls me Effie." I held my right hand out for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you Effie. My name is Sam Wharwood," he said, briskly returning my hand shake.

Sam. Had a nice ring to it. Sam.

For the next few hours I kept my eyes on the road, only every so often taking the quickest peeks at my passenger. He was quite attractive, I had to admit, save a few scars here and there. Especially the one going vertically through his left eyebrow, stopping just above the eyelid.

He had a rugged, seen-the-world type of face.

Forget it, I told myself, upset that I had been staring. Not like he would be interested.

The hours of silence, though nice, made me outrageously bored. I wondered if small talk would help.

"So, Sam, what's bringing you to Mexico?"

He didn't reply for a minute, making me feel like small talk probably wasn't a good idea. Finally, he cleared his throat and replied. "I suppose I just need to get away for a while. I don't have anyone left to keep me somewhere. Why not?"

I nodded. "I can see your point there. To be honest, I didn't really have a destination before I picked you up."

He chuckled and shook his head. "We are messed up," he declared.

I laughed, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "You have no idea."


Thanks to anyone reading this! You're amazing and I love ya. If you like what you're reading comment/vote! I'll try to get chapter 5 up as soon as I can! Thanks to whoever has stuck it out this far, you're the best!!

Thanks again lovelies,


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