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  "In one case out of a hundred a point is excessively discussed because it is obscure; in the ninety-nine remaining it is obscure because it is excessively discussed." -Edgar Allan Poe

"This bottle of scotch is mocking me."

Laughter rang out next to me, reminding me that someone else was home. I had almost forgotten she was here; I was that drunk. 

"Y-you know..." I slurred out. "I would do anything for you. You know that?"

She nodded next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I know that sweetie. You're too good to me." 

I laughed, reaching for the scotch. Pouring it into my glass, I examined the amber color. "You know, I actually like being drunk. When I was younger, it was a rebellious thing to do but the older I got, the more I appreciated it. It's that escape, man. Not caring anymore. Not being able to worry about shit anymore. I don't drink often, but it's so nice when I can. It's like a small vacation for my brain."

Turning to her, I looked at her once again tangled mess of hair. "Hey, I know you don't care much, but how come you don't brush your hair?"

She laughed, full-bodied and bright enough to shine in her eyes. 

"I just stopped caring about it. It's so unruly that it's actually hard to take care of. Plus, with how sensitive my ears are, I'd rather have it up anyway."

I nodded, taking another gulp of my drink. With my liquid courage, I turned back to her and cleared my throat. "May I...touch them?"

Her eyes widened, but she scooted closer to me on our couch. I set the glass down on the coffee table, brushing my hands against my pants, getting nervous once again. I cleared my throat and straightened up. Brushing her idle strands of hair behind her ears, she leaned towards me, her green/grey eyes barring into mine. We stopped moving, just staring for a moment. It was then that I noticed the flecks of gold and light surrounding her pupil. They were truly beautiful. 

Breaking our gaze, she turned her head away, looking at my glass on the table before us. I brought my hand up, hesitant to touch something she said was so sensitive. The tip of her ear came to a point and my hand brushed over it, completely entranced in the texture. 

"Is it just me, or does it feel weirdly soft?"

She chuckled once again, keeping her head turned away. 

I touched her ears again, my hands slightly shaking. Tracing over each groove, my hand caressing each hill and valley. Hearing her slight moan startled me. She cleared her throat.

"Sorry. Like I said, they're sensitive."

I nodded, saying nothing. They really were intriguing, like something you'd see in a movie. 

I backed away, not wanting to push my luck. "Thanks, sweetie. They're pretty awesome."

She laughed. "Hey, I know you've been dying to examine them. I'm just surprised it took you this long to ask." Her eyes sparkled with her laughter, teasing me.

Reaching for my glass again, I said, "Dude, alcohol helps. A lot." I winked and took a gulp. "Liquid liberation."


It came at night. Like all other monsters do; it came at night. I was running once again, my legs hard and heavy beneath me. My breath came out in pants. My chest burned. My lungs cried for a break.

But I couldn't stop. 

The growling was getting closer - it was catching up to me. 

The time is near; I can feel it in my bones. I'm going to die this time. I've been able to evade the creature so far, but this time I don't believe I'll be able to. I'm so tired. I just want rest, be able to take a breath, and find water. But no. This thing won't leave me be. 

"Leave me alone!" I scream behind me toward the direction of the creature. My feet catch on the uneven ground beneath me, sending me tumbling forwards. I barely catch my fall with my hands, though I hear a crunch in my left wrist, pain shooting into my shoulder. I curse, my face scraping the ground as I try to push myself upwards with my good arm. My left arm is pulled tight into my chest, the pain almost unbearable. 

I look behind me, seeing the glowing eyes of the creature coming closer and closer. I begin to run again. My entire body aches and will barely function. My arm is definitely broken. My face is scraped. My legs will soon give out. My lungs were burning. There was nothing on earth that would save me tonight. 

I heard a guttural growling behind my ear and I stopped running. There was no use; I was basically dead. I took a deep breath and turned around, preparing myself to stare down the vile creature. But the moment I turned, there was emptiness behind me. Spinning, I checked all around me for it, but it was gone. Nothing. Just ivy-covered walls glaring back at me. 

"Fine!" I shout, rightfully pissed off. "I was prepared to die! Ahhh! Come get me you coward!"

I panted, looking around me though there was nothing there. I wasn't going crazy; there had been something following me. It had been following me for quite some time. Long claws. Large, gnarly teeth. Blood red eyes. Hunched back. Long, skeleton-like limbs. It was there, I was sure of it. 

"Where are you?!" I cried out, spinning once again. 


Suddenly, it grabbed me. Its claws sank into my hair, scratching at my scalp. I felt the tug and cried out, "Fuck!"

It was moving, pulling me behind it, dragging most of my body along the rocky ground. I could feel my skin pulling back, the blood staining the rocks below me. I scratched and clawed at the creature's hold, but nothing helped. I was completely at its mercy. I knew it. I knew I would die tonight. 


What is that?


Wait, is that an alarm clock? 


I opened my eyes to the sun blinding me through my bedroom window. Reaching over to the bedside table, I turned off the alarm clock, groaning. 

It was just a dream. 


I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my toes hitting the cold hardwood floor. Quick reminder to buy a rug for my room sometime this weekend. 

I scratched my head, trying my best to forget the awful dream. It had occurred every night in the past two weeks, leaving me with barely any sleep. I was in desperate need of coffee if I was to function properly at work today. 

I walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks. There was my roommate, motionless, on the ground. All of the air was sucked from my lungs. Her hair was missing chunks. She had large gashes all over her body. Her blood was pooled around her, staining the ivory tile floors. 

I heard screaming but didn't realize it was my own until my voice was too hoarse to carry on. 

She was dead. And I could think of, was that there was only one thing that could have done this to her. 

The wendigo. 


Hello again! 

Don't mind me, its only....after 3am. I would like to thank you again for reading! You are LOVELY! If you like what you've read so far, leave a comment. If not, I'm also great with constructive criticism. 

Anyway, thank you again lovelies and I will try to get out another chapter as soon as possible!


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