Song #3: Good Girl, Winnie Foster

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{I'm just so happy right now... finally, a library in my area got the Original Broadway Cast Recording of "Tuck Everlasting." I am just so happy... So, so happy...}


WINNIE: I'm trapped in a house so sad and lonely on a street called Main, but you could call it Only. Is it rude to say I'd volunteer for a day of fun just once a year? I'd fly the coop, if I could, but I've got a very bad case of being good. I'd go find trouble if there was some to get in. Ask a friend to play, if I had one to let in. Nana's rocker's sawing through the floor, every day like the one before. We lock ourselves behind that door; is it wrong to wish for something more?

{TOAD croaks}

MRS FOSTER: Winnie, why did your dress just croak?

WINNIE: meet my new friend, Toad! I found him by the fence!

MRS FOSTER: Winnie, you know better than that! Take that filthy thing outside, where it belongs.

WINNIE: yes, Mother. Good girl, Winnie Foster, every day, is in bed at seven. Good girl, Winnie Foster, every day, is a well-behaved eleven. But some days I wanna raise a little more than heaven. Well, Toad, we blew it. But at least it got us out of the house. Are you from the wood? I'm not allowed there. Big news, I know; I'm not allowed anywhere. Now, here's your chance to disappear. Go have fun, I'll be right here, tied to a string like a precious pearl. It's a pretty tight leash for a really good girl.

NANA, MRS FOSTER, CHORUS (overlapping): Winnie! Come inside! Winnie! Come inside! Winnie!

WINNIE: good girl, Winnie Foster, every day, is in bed at seven. Good girl, Winnie Foster, every day, is a well-behaved eleven. But some days I wanna raise a little more than heaven. Some days I wanna raise a little more than heaven!

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