Song #20: The Story of the Man In the Yellow Suit

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MitYS: hold it right there, seventeen!

JESSE: you!

MitYS: me! Where's your little friend? Oh, who am I fooling? This wood is now mine.

JESSE: what?

MitYS: why don't you show me what you've been hiding?

JESSE: I- I have no idea what you're talking about.

MitYS: that simply is not true. Once upon a time, once upon a time- started just like that. My granny told me a story- how that woman loved to gab!

JESSE: what does this have to do with me?

MitYS: only everything. Said there was a man with a wife and sons, and the story goes their beauty froze. Sound like anyone familiar, or should I take a stab?

JESSE: you don't know a thing about me.

MitYS: I know you know where the spring is, so why don't you show it to me?

JESSE: Miles! It's him! This is the man!

MILES: hold it right there!

MAE: Miles, no!

MitYS: oh my God, it's all of ya! The tale's come to life, just like my granny said!

JESSE: Ma, he knows the secret.

MitYS: and I've been guarding it with my life! My lips are sealed, Granny didn't raise a snitch! I can make you filthy rich! We'll bottle the water and sell it for a fee; split the profit equally.

MILES: you're mad!

ANGUS: we would never!

MAE: we just want to live our lives in peace!

MitYS: what is wrong with you people?! You could be sultans! You could have kingdoms! Did you not think of this before? If you could put a price on eternal life, they'd pay anything and more! Just lead me to the water!

JESSE: here. Take this vial. Just let her go!

MitYS: oh my God. There it is. Today is the day...

JESSE: you take this.

MitYS: the waiting is over...

JESSE: and... I'll show you the spring.

MitYS: the answer's so simple, so perfectly pure...

JESSE: please, let her go.

MitYS: the secret to eternal life and now I'll never-

MAE: no!!

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