Chapter 1 ≡★ Forgotten

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I pace the office front to back, my mind racing. The monsters want to strike but I'm not sure they're ready. Our numbers have risen but I would like to keep the casualties at nothing. G spins in the chair, watching me silently.

I let out a sigh dragging my hand through my hair. As much as I want to win this war I don't want to risk lives doing so. I lean on the wall pinching the bridge of my nose with my thumb and middle finger, tapping my forehead in thought.

"We're ready kitten.. Udyne and I made sure of it." G breaks the silence and Stands, walking towards me.

"But what if some one gets hurt or.. Or killed!?" The thought of this bringing the feeling of tears. I shake it off and look at him.

"We're ready for that too. We can't not fight y/n.. We can't stay down here forever. We either fight and win. Or we stay and die.  The casualties will be far less if we fight then if we run out of supplies.." He walks towards me. "I would rather our death be for something and not because we were afraid to do anything."

I look to the ground and nod. knowing that he's right and I need to do what needs to be done. "Let's let them have today an we'll plan for tomorrow.." I look back up to him my gaze hardening with determination.


We sit across from each other. A map of the world with the humans camps and bases laid out on it. I look at the map my brain working over strategies.

"Maybe we should hit the smaller camps first. Eliminate this area," I motion towards the left of the map that has most of the smaller camps placed, "and with what we gather from these camps. We can come back rest learn and move forward."

"We should get as much technology from these camps as possible." G nods and motions towards the door. " Alphys could use more to work with. And we may run into problems once we leave and come back. So we might want to increase security and defense."

I nod and scribble down what we descused on a not pad. "Tomorrow we will pull undyne and discuss the plans further." I stand and head towards the door. As I reach for the door a bony hand raps itself around my wrist. I look up to see G already staring at me. I blink a few times and we're back in our room.

"I think we should take a night off doll~" he says stepping closer and wrapping his other arm around my waist, pulling me against him. He lowers his head next to mine and whispers "what do you think?" his proximity filling my stomach with butterflies. I feely face heat as he leans back to look aty face. "I'll take your silence as a yes~"  he cups my cheek and lowers his teeth to my lips in a soft kiss. he pulls back and looks at me with a smirk. I see his mouth move but my mind is cloudy and I can't comprehend what he said.

I blink a few times and shudder. "H-huh??" I hear him chuckle and my mind clears a bit.

"I said, I love you." He places his forehead against mine and smiles.

I feel my face heat up as I look at him. "I love you too." Smiling he kisses me again. Letting my eyes fall closed I kiss back. And then I'm no longer standing. I open my eyes with a yelp as G drops me on our bed.

I look up at him as he looms over me with a mischievous grin. I gulp knowing what came next. I grab a pillow and hold it to my chest as he dove at me with a battle cry. "TICKLES!!!"

I Let out a long no interrupted by breathy laughing and small squeaks.
(668 words)
Sorry for the GIANT delay but here's like.. The first chapter lol.
Hope you enjoy AND THANK YOU ALL ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿till next time!!!!

Souls of the Brave and Forgotten~{sequel To kitten}~ *incomplete*Where stories live. Discover now