Chapter 2 ≡★ Battle Plan

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Undyne settled across from us a grin on her face excitement rolling like waves off of her. The thought of being captain again and going into what we hope is the last battle ever seems to have made her happy.

I let out a shaky breath not entirely OK with how this all might end. A sort of resolution falls over me as I remember G's words. No matter what the outcome is this need to be done.

I spread out the map in front of us and watch as her eyes scour the entire things allowing the information to seep into her brain.

I look to G and nod, silently telling him to go ahead and explain the plan. As he gives her the plan I point to the area we are going to start at. She nods to herself and stands.

"We should send a group of our quietest monsters out there to get a layout of the land." Undyne gestures at the map as he speaks.

"How about the blooky, Mettaton, uh... Not robot form, and the other ghosts? They can't receive physical damage right?" I chime in giving the map a little pat.

"Right OK so game set and match." G nods.

"Undyne if you would. Please get the group ready.. They'll leave at dusk." udyne nods at my words and leaves. I let out a deep breath that I didnt even realize I was holding. The full weight of what was about to happen hitting me with a vengeance. I fight off tears and stand. "We need to make sure the troops are ready." I frown and look ahead. "we'll have to go with them G.. I can't sit here and worry about what's going to happen.. I'll leave tori and alphys here to watch over the kids with a group of guards to insure safety." G starts talk me out if it but I interrupt him. "If you would like to be one of the guards that stay behind go ahead. But I can't let them go out there not knowing if they'll come back. As long as I'm with them at least I will be able to help keep them alive as much as I can." G's mouth falls closed as he nods.

I hug him and press my face into his jacket giving a muffled "thank you" and letting out a shaky breath.
All the monsters sat in the cafeteria silent. We all know whats going to happen in the next two days. The fear and hope keeping our mouths shut and our brains rolling.

The clock hits six and I stand, clearing my throat. "Its time.. To wish out fellow ghost monsters farewell and good luck." I bite back tears as Mettaton leads a group out. They hug a few of the monsters and i lead them to the entrance. I straighten my back and turn to mettaton. I smile knowing that they will be fine and return without a problem. I open the door and watch as they leave a pang of work stabbing at me as I realize, now all we can do is sit and wait for them to return.



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