chapter 3 ≡★ The Wait

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I sat in my quarters for hours my mind racing through all of the possible outcomes of this plan. I know ghosts are incorporeal and they can't exactly die.. But could they be captured?? I run my hands down my face shaking my head. I can't afford to have these thoughts but I can't afford this thought to become reality either. I stand and trudge to the lab. If anyone knew the answer to this its alphys. After all she handled mettaton for a while when she built his body. I press the code in the door keypad and step through shouting for alphys.

I hear a loud clatter and what sounded to be a low curse. The small repial stumbled around the corner. "O-oh! H-how can I -I help you y-y/n?". She looked nervous ..then again she always looks nervous.

"I have a few questions if.. That is, you're not too busy." I give her a patient smile but I could feel the impaciants and desperation welling in my chest.

"N-not at a-all" she becons me yo follow her. "W-what do you n-need to k-know?" She says taking a seat on a small sofa.

I sit next to her and give a worried glance. "The whole reason I allowed for this mission is because i know that they can't be physically hurt. But.. I'm worried that they can be trapped."

She gulps and puts a hand behind her head. "T-that is n-nearly i-impossible. T-they would... They.. Would.. U-uh,. Unless they found a way t-to use w-well ..h-human souls to ... Trap t-them. There's a 9.. 98.7 p-percent chance they'll g-get back w-without p-problem." She looks down and fidgits slightly. I could tell that the thought worried her as well.

I put a hand on her shoulder and smile. "Hey.. Theyll be OK. They have each other." I give her shoulder a light pat.

"Y-yeah.. They'll be o-ok." She gives a faint smile.

I stand "well I thank you for helping me alphys... Maybe you should take a break...and maybe call undyne. I bet she could use a break too." I watch as a blush forms on her face as she nods. I give a final wave as I make my way out.


G sat next to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I just finished telling him my fears, and I now regret it. He is as worried as I am now. I can feel the tension rolling off of him. The thought of our friends being captured scares us both.

"If they aren't back tomorrow we'll go after them." I look at him. "But.. Right now you need to relax.. We both do." I smile and put both of my ams around his ribs. Pulling him back onto the bed I nuzzle myself into him.

He kisses the top of my head and takes a deep breath.
"When this is all over you're marrying me." He says simply. Straight forward, no question about it. I tense a little before nodding.

"If it ever ends"
★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★
(531 words)
Oof ! Sorry its a bit short.. But uh yeah.
There ya go.
Hope(s and dreams) you like!

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