Chapter 5 ≡★ The Discovery

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I look to G, my heart racing. Both of us stand shaking at the sight we have just witnessed. Our beloved friends are struggling through the forest, carrying the wounded ghosts with them. I fight back tears as i stand. "Undyne gather a group of warriors, We're going out there to help them"

"B-but y/n y-you cant h-help them th-there i-incorporeal" Alphys chimes, twisting her hands nervously. 

"But they may have been followed" I turn to Undyne, "And if they were followed, Show no mercy." Alphys swallows hard fear evident on her face while Undyne grins. I turn back to the screens flipping through them as a single thought rings through my head. 

The only way this  is possible is if they have harnessed the power of the human soul.


As we stand by the entrance with troops mumbling quietly behind us, I pull Undyne aside. "Im letting you know, and its your call if you'd like to let the others know. The only way this could be possible is if they have found a way to use the human soul." She doesn't say anything, just simply nods. She gives me a side glance and I can tell what shes thinking. Now is not the time to evoke fear.  I step back to my position, settling my gun back into place as I glance back at G who waits at the end of the hall. He wanted to come but I convinced him to stay back with the guards who will stay and protect those who cannot fight. Hes the only one other than i that can continue to keep this place up if anything would happen.

Alphys radios us, telling us the ghosts have entered the meadow surrounding the cabin. Thats our Que, I swallow my fear and open the base doors before running forward and out of the cabin followed by the troops that undyne collected. We set up, putting bullet proof mettle shields down and getting into position. All of us aiming at every inch of the forest we could see. Concentrating hard  as the wounded monsters come our way.  As they pass our first line I see it, I squint to make sure the dark wasn't playing tricks  with my eyes. I hadn't been mistaken. There on an upper half of the trees before us was the small red dot of a laser sight. I slightly motion at undyne who looks in that direction only to whisper to the guard next to her who passed it on.  I Focus on the spot in my sight, There sat a man in all black watching the monsters coming back. I scan the tree line for any more. Not seeing any more I look at undyne. "Get ready" I say before taking aim on the person. I let out the breath I was holding as I pull the trigger and watch the person fall lifeless from the tree.  I hold up a hand to let the guards know to stay still and silent. We wait for what seemed like forever, listening and watching for a sign that there are more out there. After not hearing or seeing anybody. I motion for the four closest guards to follow me. Slowly, staying close to the ground, we make our way to the person laying lifeless on the ground. As we near I tell the guards to stop and keep watch as I continue up to what I now know is a lifeless woman. I search her person and find a walkie a bag full of amo, batteries, food, and a map. I take the map and her gun and begin my trek back. keeping  my eyes behind me. I pause, listening before I hear what I thought was only in my head. The crunch of leaves under heavy boots off in the distance. My eyes widen and I motion for the guards who followed me to fall back behind our wall of shields. 

I curse as I realize im too far to make it back without being spotted. I quickly and quietly make my way back into the trees, ducking behind a large fallen trunk. As I hear them pass where I hid I count their steps to figure out how many is there. I count six. They only sent six? I quietly shift. Thankful for the silencer I had equipped my gun with.  I take a deep breath and take aim on the group. I recount the group and quietly gasp in shock. I counted Seven heads this time. But the seventh person was strapped to a large mans back. A bunch of tubes running from him and into the blaster that large man was holding.

Thats why they only sent six. They only need six.. 


(792 words) 

Hey guys I know its been a while. Im sorry ive been going through a lot but im going to try to update more often i promise. And to make it Easier to get your feedback i made a discord server . 

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