Chapter 1

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"What is the color of this demon?" Yukio asks the class as I bang my head against the table from falling asleep, and jolt upright instantly. "Rin?" He says my name with so much disgust I can taste it all the way in the back of the classroom.

"The color?" He nodded. "It's purple." I know that I can't see any colors but that doesn't mean that I can't tell the different shades of gray. As years went by I took my time to get the colors I needed to know by studying them. I don't know all of the colors like emerald, sapphire...just different types of the one color in general.

"Ok. We will be going on a mission where we will be attacking the demon that I have just showed you." A new mission huh? The demon is higher ranked. I know they will have a hard time beating it so I guess I could help them. Not like they would appreciate it though, but whatever.

Feeling inside my pocket, I cut my finger on a sharp object. One of my 'toys', or as others would call it...a razor. It helps me take the pain away so I always carry it around with me if I ever feel like I need to release some of my stored pain.

I hate it but sometimes I just get to frustrated. My arms only have a few and I know I can stop if I get support. Although we all know that won't be happening for a while.

I stood up and followed everyone else out of the classroom and outside the school grounds. Taking a while, we finally got to our destinations, but it was super hot and everyone else was taking some of their layers off. I only have a long sleeved shirt and a tanktop underneath so I don't plan on taking anything off.

"You should take some of your clothes off Rin. The heat might get to your head and make you even stupider than you are now." Bon said causing everyone to laugh so hard they ended up on the ground. During this time they were too distracted and didn't hear, sense, or see the demon coming up from behind them.

Unsheathing my sword I blew up in blue flames before leaping up and attacking the demon we were supposed to kill together. In the corner of my eyes I could see they stopped laughing but sat there, waiting for me to finish the job. I don't want to kill it but they were going to kill my old 'friends' and I couldn't just sit there and watch.

The demon took my hesitation as a chance to make a move. Before I knew it I had gashes along my stomach that was spouting blood all around me. I could hear there snickers as they enjoyed this like it was some sort of show for them.

A large hand grabbed my smaller form and gave a painful squeeze. I didn't flinch because I can't be hurt right now. I lost all feeling of pain for this moment. Only the pain in my heart is evident. Raising my hands, sword in hand, I brought it down and sliced he demon in half.

Pride filled me as I thought of the shock the others would be in that I actually killed a demon this strong without anyones help. I turned around, any feelings I just had disappearing. The people that were supposedly sitting right there where now gone.

They left me alone....

After the shock left my body, I could feel all the pain come at me full force. They left me here to die. Alone. Cold. Shaking. My limbs gave out from under me and gravity pulled me to the forest floor, painfully.

The wounds that hadn't healed yet where now filled with dirt and will soon get infected. My bones that were crushed by the demon's hand had not been fixed yet and was pushing against my lungs. I could feel myself losing breath the longer I sit here.

This was probably the best way to go. No one was here to witness this and I couldn't be happier. There was nothing holding me back, but....what is this feeling. The feeling of worry filled up my pained body.

A glow soon lit the dark forest in a blue ominous glow. Something on my neck burned, stung like I was just stung like a bee. A bee that hit me multiple times to create a large circle of welts. Reaching my hand up I feel the hot place where the mark was. It has been there since the end of last month and I didn't know why. All I know is that it showed up one night and it wouldn't go away.

Blurs of dark shades rushed past my vision and I couldn't help but feel safe in the presence of the multiple figures. "They just left him?" A voice said, but I don't remember hearing it before.

"Rin has been injured by them too many times. He is now coming home with us and if they start going on a rampage, Mephisto, stop them at all costs. Tell them nothing of what we did." Samael? Is he here to help me? A pair of hands lifts my upper body up while another pair lifts up my lower body weight. "He's so light."

I'm not that light am I? "It hurts." My voice was weak and full of pain. The only emotion that I've showed in a very long time.

"Don't worry, baby, we got you. Just hold on until we get you better." A new voice chimes in and I groan, rolling my head over to the side. "You can't close your eyes."

Even if my most wanted wish was to keep my eyes open, I just couldn't. Against my own will my eyelids pulled down as I force them to stay open. The fight is over and I lift the fight from my body. "No! Rin don't close your eyes. RIN! OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES!"

That's the last thing I heard before I welcomed the darkness into my sight.

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