Chapter 8

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Rin was at his restaurant mixing ingredients in a bowl as he hummed a soft tune to himself. This was more relaxing than being at home because he was put under house arrest since he was pregnant and the rest didn't want him to put stress on himself. With a lot of persuasion, and sweet (more like inappropriate) words, he was free to go to his restaurant and only that.

He wrapped up the meal and waddled out of the kitchen and into the dining area to deliver the food. Upon entering, everyone greeted him and told him congrats on having a being in him.

As he placed the meal down at the cloaked figures table, he paused in fear as the man grabbed his wrist in a tight grip. "Sit." The man hissed at Rin, and the fear that grew inside his stomach made him obey the man.

"Um...who are you?" Rin questioned as he placed his hands protectively around his bulging stomach. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew it was going to be bad.

The man pulled his cloak back a bit so Rin could see his face better. Rin saw and started trembling in his seat. Its the one person he tried to protect as a kid, but he never appreciated it when he came back to greet him. "I'm here to talk to you." Yukio said as he picked up a fork and pierced his meat. He lifted it up to his mouth and ate it. "Still as good as I remember."

"What are you doing here, Yukio?" Rin didn't want to know the truth. If it's coming from his twin, it's never good.

"I'm taking you back to Assiah." Was all Yukio said as he finished up his meal. "You belong there with me, and me alone." The tone he used was possessive. Before it was only them, and it got to Yukio's head that he didn't need Rin. It came to light that he needed Rin more than anything because he was his, and no one else's.

"I'm sorry, but I'm never going back there with you." Rin tried to stand up but was flung over Yukios' shoulder as he ran to the gate. People in the diner ran after them since Rin was calling out to them to save him.

Yukio jumped into the gate and they transported to Assiah where they went to his old dorm room. "You're going to stay in this dorm and do as I see fit, and if you aren't doing what I ask of you...well let's just say there is going to be punishment." Yukio gave a sinister smirk as he held Rin's chin in his tight grip.

Rin didn't want to know what happened to his younger brother. He was so nice before, and even if he did hate him for a little while, Rin thought it was better than this. Being locked into submission isn't good, especially if he was going to give birth soon. You see...pregnancy with demons are a lot faster in the developing stages than if you're human, even if youre half.

Rin whimpered as he was pushed into a room without windows and light. Is this where he has to live now? He just wanted to curl up and die when he saw no bed, and the weapons hanging from the walls. Yukio pulls out a chain and clips it onto Rin's leg. The cuff leads to the wall where its tied up and can be movable if you have the key.

"My property, and you will never leave." Yukio leaves the room, leaving Rin to feel sick to his stomach. He wanted out, but no one knew he was even here in Assiah. Tears built up and gushed out of his glassy eyes as he held his knees to his chest.

Soon he felt a small kick in his stomach. Moving his hand to where the kick was, he rubbed the spot and all around it to try and get them to do it again. Rin cried more knowing that the father's of his children would never experience this happy moment with him. Maybe they will also miss the birth of the four little beings inside of him. He was about six months pregnant now, even if it has been two months since he was impregnated.

Looking back on it now, Rin realized that his brother was always more possessive of him than other brothers. He didn't seem to know this until now, and that scared him more than anything. From what he has seen, Yukio will do anything to get him to be his, and control over his being until he doesn't have anymore use of him.

The young prince thought of all the happy thoughts of being with his family and friends. How they protected him from any harm that came to him. Saved him from himself when he was in that dark spot, which is now coming back from being trapped here. When they showed him more love than he ever received when he was in this world.

He hoped that his boyfriends will notice his absence before it gets too extreme and they hurt the babies. Or worse...kill him, destroy him mentally, and break him physically. Maybe even his friends would come over and notice that he was trapped here and get him out. Well, more like Shiemi, since she was such a sweet girl.


Sorry if it's a little late in updating this. I have the chapters down, just have to find the time, so I hope this was good and not so much as sloppy.

Keep reading, and see you next chapter...

Peace out

~ Bri

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