Chapter 10

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It now night time, and Yukio had to go on a mission. This left Rin curled up in a fetal position in the corner of the room. The corner was covered in darkness. Yet it was the cleanest space in the whole room. Rin felt safe, secure.

Time has past and now its a month since hes been in this room, and he's ready to burst. His stomach is as swollen as it could be with quadruplets. Sometimes Rin can hear footsteps above him, but they never seem to find the hallway that leads down to the basement and to the room just like right now.

Rin holds his stomach as he feels something move inside in stomach. He could only fear the worst that was going to come. Liquid ran down his legs as he sat up to get into a more comfortable position.

A scream rips through his throat as he feels a contraction coming and going. It feels like his insides are being ripped apart, slowly, and painfully. Rin can hear the footsteps starting to run, most likely hearing his scream He never had the energy to get their attention, but now that the babies are coming hes produced the sounds he needs to escape.

Locks are being undone, doors slamming open. They ran through the dimly lit hallway and to a door that had many locks, but weren't hard to pick. Once they got the door opened, the ex-wires ran in and saw Rin. They started to cheer, but that was short lived as they saw Rin hunched over and breathing heavily.

"Come on, we have to get him out of here." Bon stated as he started to lift Rin up eliciting another scream to come out of his mouth.

Rin clutched his stomach as if it was his life line. Pain spread throughout his body as he felt another contraction hit him full force. One by one the ex-wires came and helped lift Rin off of the ground so they could get him up the stairs. "Get me to Mephisto." Rin wheezed out as he tried to control his breathing.

They went as fast as they could with the weight of a pregnant, well soon to be mother, male. As they reached to front of the building, they pulled open the door and made their way to Mephistos office.

When they entered the room, Mephisto was sitting at his desk with his brothers on the floor. They all had a grim expression as they discussed where Rin might have been taken to. One of Rins screams broke them out of their trance and made them look up at the group of students. Rin felt something move, making him freak out and push.

When the demon king's saw the state of their younger brother, and lover, they rushed over and took Rin out of the others arms and laid him on the floor, leaning against pillows. The labor took over 8 hours, but it was worth it to see the three healthy baby girls, and healthy baby boy.

Girl 1- Alexandra Murray Okumura:

The oldest of the siblings. The biggest of all the siblings. Brownish, blackish hair, and green eyes like emeralds.

Girl 2- Dove Love Okumura:

The second oldest. Same size as Hannah, so the second biggest. Reddish, blonde hair, and orange eyes.

Girl 3- Hannah Liz Okumura:

The third oldest. Same size as Dove, so also the second biggest. Greenish, purplish hair, and blue eyes.

Boy 4- Max Finn Okumura:

Youngest of the siblings, and the smallest. Whitish, blonde hair (more white), and gold eyes with purple specks in them.

Rin couldnt help but stare at the small bundles of joy in his arms. All four of them are huddled together. Dove and Alexandra on the outside, Hannah and Max in the middle between the two. He could already tell that the three girls will be over protective of their younger brother because he was much more smaller than they are.

They opened their eyes and Rin stared in wonder at the different colored eyes that they all held. You can only tell them apart by their hair and eyes, but not there facial features. The four of them had Rins high cheekbones, small frame, nose, lips, and dainty limbs. Their fathers ears, teeth, rounded heads, and their fathers dark eyelashes that are mixed with Rins as well.

They sat there for hours watching over the four beautiful children as their mother slept. "We're sorry for what we did to Rin. And I know you are going to say, don't tell that to me...tell that to Rin himself, so I will say this for all of us. We will apologize once he wakes up and is feeling better than he is now." Said Shima as he held up his hands in surrender when the demon kings started growling at him.

"You better. Rin adored you guys as friends and wished for you to never have betrayed him like you did." Ilbis said as fire surrounded his hands, threatening the ex-wires to doing nothing that could harm anyone in this room. That would be Rin and his four children.

They heard a groan come from the couch that Rin was laying on to get his strength back after giving birth. The ex-wires crowded around the bed, apologizing to Rin when he was fully awake so they could get their friend back quickly.

Rin smiled and gave a small giggle at all of his friends rambling. "It's okay guys. I don't hold it against you because you were just afraid and that took over your senses." He was happy that they weren't going to be rude to him anymore and actually be friendly once again.

This is what he wanted the whole time. Get his friends back and maybe his twin brother also...but that didn't turn out that well.

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