Chapter 5

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It has been months now since Rin last saw Shura and Izumo and he really wanted to so he decided to sneak out. This was a hard task saying that his father and lovers were always watching him. Thats why he devised a plan for this exact moment.

His small frame stepped into the shadows as he skillfully crawled through the corridors and into the streets of Gehenna. Rin rushed past unsuspected civilians of his father's land and out towards the woods. Pulling to a stop in the middle of nowhere, he could hear the yells of his brothers and some of the castle's guards that were set to watch over him.

Creating the gate to Assiah was painful, but he did it anyway because he wanted to see his friends. As the portal opened he saw the large group running faster than they ever had before. "Rin! Come back." Said boy shook his head in a stubborn way before disappearing into the gate.

The group that was chasing the small boy thought one thing and one thing only. 'How did we let him escape and go to Assiah?'

In a part of Assiah sat students who were listening to their teacher go on about what the weaknesses of specific demons. More or so demons like Rin.

The class was so absorbed in the information that they didnt see the Gehenna gate open up on the ceiling besides Shura and Izumo. Shura raised up from her seat in a blink of an eye and caught the falling figure. "You shouldn't be here." She spoke in a scolding manner.

"But I missed you," Shura gave Rin a pointed look, "and I wanted more stuffed animals?" Rin was unsure if he would get punished for showing up unnoticed, but then again she did it before.

"Where are your boyfriends?" Izumo asked as she came up from her seat in the back.

"Oh...yeah...about that." Rin laughed nervously as he scratched the back his neck with a pout on his plump lips. "I ran away from them." Shura tightened her grip on Rin in fear. "They wouldn't let me leave there sight for a week. A week." Rin had tears in his eyes as he knew that he did something bad and will get in trouble later.

An alarm blared, sounding off to exorcists that demons are entering Assiah. The three figured out who it was in a matter of seconds. "Oh no." They whispered and held each other in death grips.

"RIN!" Screamed multiple voices as they chorused together in perfect sync. "WE HAVE TO GET YOU HOME! FATHER IS WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Rin perked up at the mention of his beloved father, but paused shortly after, thinking about all the stuffed animals he could get in one store trip.

The group that was previously following Rin in Gehenna came into the classroom, scaring the three into oblivion. They each had some sort of scowl on their face as they moved their heads side to side to catch a glimpse of the missing boy.

"I wanted to visit my friends and you guys wouldn't let me." Rin whines in a cute voice, but it doesnt affect the nature of the demons. "My stuffies got destroyed when you guys had a party last night and I cant sleep without them so I got scared and couldnt fall asleep all night." The frail boy whimpered as tears gathered in his eyes. "I called for you guys but you didnt hear me and I got scared and went to Dads room where he saved me from the dark." Rin now had tears streaming down his face as he saw the angry glares his brothers/friends had.

"I don't care. You will step in the portal and head home right now, or else you wont get anything for dinner tonight." Azazel spoke rather harshly as he gripped Rin's arm in a painful hold, bruising the pale skin. Rin whimpered in pain, but it went on deaf ears as he whispered that he was hurting him.

Rin looked over to his two friends and gave them a look that said he was sorry, and that he will never do anything like this again. Once the portal was opened, Rin was pushed in forcefully and disappeared from the views of his former class and his friends/brothers.

"That was too harsh!" Shura had her sword in hand as she looked Egyn in the eyes. "Rin just told you that he doesnt have his safe toys anymore and now he is physically hurt because of your stupidity." The guys eyes opened wide as they now realized their mistake.

"He only wanted...his stuffies." They jumped around as they thought of their little love. "We are so dead. When father hears about this we are never going to see Rin again." Tears trickled, slightly, down the boys faces as they hugged each other.

The people who were actually in the classroom to learn looked at the demons in utter disbelief. 'How can some of the strongest demons kings out there, be crying over that stupid monster Rin?' Thought all the people in the class that hated the small boy after finding out that he was the son of Satan.

"He won't talk to us. Play with us. Go to bed with us. Sleep with us. Hold us. Cuddle with us. Eat with us. Fuck wi-" Mephisto got cut off by Izumo.

"Enough with your sad love lives. I honestly dont see what Rin likes about all of you...and the sex? Keep that to your damn selves. Rin having love is one thing, but learning about what they do is another." Shura and Izumo shuddered at the thought of what they do in their soundproof room.

"He told us that you kept him in the castle for a while." Izumo, who was looking at her nails, looked over to the guys in question. "Is this correct?" They nodded their heads in shame.

"But we only did it because he was getting sick, but I guess he did stop for a little bit there." Egyn said, but then continued on in thought.

Izumo and Shura looked at each other and gave off a sinister smile. "You know what this means Shura?" Questions Izumo to her loyal friend.

"Of course." Shura replies and grabs Izumo hands and squeal in delight.

"Rins PREGNANT!" They both screamed together and did a somewhat happy dance with each other around the crowded room the best they could.

"What?" Was the only thing the lovers said before fainting. The girls grabbed them by their shirts and threw them into the Gehenna gate that was still open before going in with them.

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