Chapter 4

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Today was the day that Rins new restaurant/hospital was opening. Their wasnt a specific name, but everyone decided to name it Rins place even when Rin was saying that it didn't have to be named that. He wanted today to be perfect because it was something that he might not have gotten the courage to do in Assiah.

"Hey, did you guys hear about the new restaurant opening? I heard that their is a hospital in it too, also that the owner is scary." Some guy said. He had pointed ears and horns popping out of his head, and was talking to a friend of his (most likely) who had a tail and...bunny ears?

"Excuse me." A timid voice spoke in front of the two demons who were deep into their conversation. "I'm actually the owner, and am I scary. I didnt think I was. Brothers said I was adorable and cute, the definition..of...fuckable? What does that even mean?" Rin rambled on and the two watched in utter disbelief that something this cute was down here and they never saw him before.

"Who are you?" They question simultaneously in confusion.

"Oh ya. Sorry about that, my name is Rin and my brothers and I are the sons of satan, but I want to make friends so I hope you can be some of my first real friends?" The two demons instantly found this protective vibe coming from inside them when they looked down at the small boy. He was literally smaller than most of the demons in Gehenna that where human looking!

"We would love to be your friends Rin, but, what do you mean by real friends?" Questioned the ones with horns.

"My friends in Assiah stopped being nice to me when they found out I was a demon, and the son of Satan no less. They called me names and my brother shot me a few times, than left me too. I was all alone until I almost died and my brothers saved me. At least I had two nice girls who were my friends throughout all my time in true cross academy." They were shocked that people could actually hurt someone as sweet as Rin. I mean he was opening a restaurant, and there hasn't been one in over a few centuries, but not only that, but a hospital too.

"Come back here Rin! People are demanding more food from the amazing chef!" A voice screams and the three look and see Amaimon running towards them. A lollipop in hand. "Who are you?" He questions and pulls Rin into a loving/protective embrass as he looks at the two demons with a glare.

"There my new friends Amaimon-nii. Are you guys going to come inside and get some food?" They nodded before going on either side of Rin in protectiveness as he skipped happily to his restaurant.

Rin rushed to the back and started cooking up plate upon plates of food for his guests as he sang a song and danced around the kitchen. Since their was a window that leads from the tables to the kitchen, everyone watched in fondness as the newest person of Gehenna stole the hearts of every demon in their. They didn't want to let Rin up even if there was a war between exorcists and demons, they would never put him into danger.

Two screeching voices made their way into the restaurant just as Rin was finishing up the food. As the voices got closer Rins tail perked up as he paused for a few moments before getting back to work with his tail swaying slightly. Now the voices were outside the door and Rin was waiting, bouncing on his heels, as he waited for the new incomers.

A pair of girls rushed in and pulled Rin into a giant group hug. "Look Shura! He looks even cuter than he did before in the oversized sweatshirt!" Rin blushed and hid his face in his palms in utter embarrassment. Who wouldn't when two girls came in yelling that you were cute!

"What are you guys doing here?" The small boy asked as he looked up with big, round doe eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be in Assiah training with the other exorcists?" Every demon growled and stood up in a stance when they realized that the two girls could be a threat to Rin.

The said girls grew a smirk on their faces watching their reactions. "Oh oh oh. What do we have here? Does everyone love our little Rin too much that they would stop eating his delicious cooking?" Asked Shura as she squished Rin's cheeks in her hands.

"Get away from Rin." Growled six boys as they pushed Rin behind them and out of Shuras grip. The two soon grew hearts around their heads and stars in their eyes. Rin knowing what was happening covered his ears.


"Our Rin has lovers!"

"This causes for a celebration!"

"We need to get pictures!"

"Quick Shura hurry!"

"I'm going as fast as I can Izumo!"

"Well thats not fast enough!"

Now they all realized why Rin covered his ears. He was used to this kind of behavior and they now wanted them gone more than ever. "What are you guys doing here?" Rin asked again since he never got an answer the first time.

The two women stopped their antics and turned around to face their little demon. "We came with some news." Izumo's voice sounded sad and broken. "The ex-wires are looking for you, and we went against them but couldn't do anything." Mephisto gasped at the news.

"I'm their headmaster and I never agreed with this. If they are trying to get my brother, they will die!" He bellowed and released waves of energy.

"They have to go." The brothers, excluding Rin, said in a low enough whisper so that the said boy wouldnt hear.

Sorry it's late peeps. Got a little busy with things. Well here's the next chapter. Bye-bye. -Bri

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