Something Normal

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Aw crud. I just remembered to do this.

I know I said I'd have a longer update today, but I have a really bad headache and this is going to have to be short. Honestly, I'd skip today if not for my updating streak.

This is going to be really short.


Abby couldn't stop mulling it over.

Ziva was supposed to be in Israel, back with Mossad. So how was it that she was in Greece? And at the same time as Tony?

It was quite the coincidence, and Abby didn't believe in coincidences (mostly because Gibbs didn't either).

Did they plan to meet there? Were they still in contact with each other despite the separation?

If it wasn't easy on her, she couldn't imagine how much harder it must be on them. Sitting across from each other every day for three years, and then suddenly finding each other to be thousands of miles apart.

Of course they'd find a way to stay in contact. You couldn't just give up on friends cold turkey.

It made her smile to think of them sitting together by the water, just talking about the weather and the scenery, just being normal.

They'd been through a lot the past couple of years.

They deserved a little bit of normal.

Did't they?


Hopefully longer tomorrow, but no promises. I have a lot of homework to do.

Vote/comment/cross your fingers for a longer update (lol)

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